Robert & Aaron : You (One Shot)

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Robert & Aaron : You (One Shot)

Aaron heard the footsteps on the pebbled scrapyard driveway before he felt the person, the presence walking up behide him, even before he turned around to see who it was.

Aaron turned around quickly from sorting through scrap, and sighed irritated.

"Get lost Robert, before I make ya." Aaron says, irritated.

"Uh, I'll stay as long as I want, it's my investment, remember?" Robert says matter-of-factly.

Aaron ignores Robert, and turns back around and sorts through scrap again.

"I should of ditched you way back, had enough of the lads on the go."

"That's the best YOU got? You upset because I'm not groveling at your feet?" Aaron says, hoping it's not true. But then again, all Robert does is have affairs and use people then you're dirt or nothing to him.

"Oh, you thought you were the only one? You actually did, yeah?"

"I don't give a toss." Aaron says, defensively, trying not to care.

"Oh, but you do Aaron." Robert says and Aaron knew Robert knew him. In fact Aaron did give a toss. He always would. No matter what Robert did to hurt him.

"You act like you're so hard but you're a basket case. You got your all family fusing around ya. Even Paddy fighting your battles for ya. It's a joke! I've got problems Aaron. Both my parents are dead but then again least I don't have some slapper of a Mum that dumped me first chance she got."

Aaron wanted to scream and throw a fist at Robert but what would that make him? And what's worse? Robert's a hypocrite, saying that about his mum and he, Aaron, thought that Robert must of forgotten about telling him about all the men. Hypocrite.

Aaron wanted to laugh he really did, he would of done if he wasn't so furious.

"But you're wallowing, mate. Nobody cares, you're boring, it's boring, you're boring."

"Why did YOU stick around for so long then?" Aaron says, trying to not sound hurt. Aaron keeps his eyes on the scrap.

"What honestly? I couldn't dump ya once I found out about your little problem. First time you took your top off I should of run a mile. I thought it was only girls that cut themselves but you, you get some sorta perverted little kick out of it, don't ya?"

Aaron felt light-headed and he could feel the sick rise in his throat and that's when Aaron realised Robert knew nothing about self-harming at all and what's worse? He just stereotyped girls and the situation itself.

Why does everyone think it's only girls that self-harm? I'm sure many men do it...

Aaron breathed heavily and pushed away from the scrap furiously.

"What? You gonna hit me? Go on. Go on."

Aaron breathes heavily and shakes his head before turning back around to the scrap he was staring at.

"You'll probably just cry and run away, until you bleed. It's actually hilarious, Aaron. You're tapped"

I'm tapped? It's all you, mate.

"Talk about scared of being gay."

I'm scared of being gay? You won't even admit your sexuality...

"You wrote the flaming book. You fancy a bloke, then you batter him. If that wasn't messed up enough you turn him tetropelgic. I mean you couldn't even make it up."

"You better do one or I swear to god" Aaron tightened his fists and turned around and stared at him, trying to take control of the situation.

"Then you killed him out of love, I'll call that murder. So it turns out we're not actually that different, after all." Aaron wished he could record what he said to him and about murdering Katie but Aaron knew he couldn't take that risk.

Aaron was horrified. "I'm nothing like YOU"

"No, you'll be nothing when I'm gone."

I was already something before you came around, you vain, self-obsessed prick.

"Y'know I wish I had dropped you in it. Prison will be perfect for you. Gay, self-harming, emotionally stunted. You'll probably end up topping yourself, oh no, oh wait, you can't even do that right either. Literally a failure at everything."

Robert must be dumb if he thinks you can get in jail for those things. Gay? Yeah, okay men did in the past. Self-harming? Nobody could.
   Aaron also realised how much he had told Robert about his life and instantly regretted it. How could he of trusted someone like Robert?


Aaron removes his hands from the scrap again. "That's the last time YOU'RE gonna talk to me like that."

Robert shakes his head and walks away from Aaron.

"Oi, Robert!" Aaron yelled, walking after Robert.

"What? You gonna hit me, then?"

Aaron laughed suddenly. "Oh I see what this is about."

"What? If you're gonna punch me, go ahead!" Robert told him.

"I don't want to punch you but obviously YOU want me to. Let me guess you've lost everything and everyone so you want me to take your pain away with a simple punch? That sounds a lot like self-harm"

"What are you on about? You're tapped!"

"No I'm not. YOU'RE the one that is. I didn't bring me wanting to punch you into this. YOU brought the self-harm, Jackson, my mum, my scars into this. YOU did when it wasn't relevant." Aaron pushed Robert back, Robert's face surprised for a second.

"How could YOU say something against my mum when YOU'RE the hypocrite. Sleeping around like YOU'RE so cool! Mate, you need to grow up and stop being so full of ya-self. And you say I'm scared of being gay? YOU can't even admit your sexuality so don't talk shit. Why did I even fall in love with YOU? YOU'RE just an obnoxious prick-"

"I'm not-"

"-that doesn't understand self-harming and the meaning of it and how - how much of a serious deal it is. Nobody should take piss about it. So don't act like you do know about it. You think I'm nothing if you left me, eh? Let me tell you this Robert, even after everything I've gone through I am somebody, you vain, self-obsessed prick. So don't act like you know me. I thought you did, but you definitely don't."

"Yeah, well, least I'm not like you. I bet Jackson was glad to get away from you"

This was it for Aaron, Aaron snapped and pushed Robert to the ground and laid a heavy punch on his already bruised eye.

Aaron knelt down and sneered in Robert's face, "I'm glad your insults got worse y'know? Because you weren't satisfied with my reaction like you wanted, because now you've got what you deserve. If you wanted a reaction out of me from all them insults you should of just asked, but there, you now have it. YOU say I'm nothing, but YOU'RE nobody. Everybody hates YA. See ya Robert, I hope YOU drop dead" Aaron smirked, then stood up and walked proudly away leaving Robert still on the pebbled driveway, rubbing a hand over his bruised eye and groaning occasionally.


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I'm sure in the Emmerdale episode that Aaron didn't know Robert was trying to get a reaction out of him so the paragraph above is a bit far fetched.

Sorry if I ranted about the self-harming part (don't know if I did or not?). I find it to be a serious thing and it annoyed me how offensive it could be to Aaron or (in real life) anyone that self-harms.

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