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Right. Time to clear the air. It's been a good couple of years on this site with my name being what it is, but let's get something straight -



So why chose that name? 

I'll tell you why. 

Come closer. 




Does it mean anything? No. Of course not. It would be downright unfair of me to say that I hate the scene kid culture, so all you butthurts at the back with your 'pastel goth' hair, please take a seat thank you. I'm not hear to stir shit up. 

BUT, I will say this, and read this with caution, but I have no other way to say it -

Just because you chose to be a 'scene' kid, doesn't automatically give you the green light to act depressed. There is a clear line between being clinically depressed and just looking for attention. 

Your boyfriend broke up with you, you're sad and heartbroken, but guess what? It all gets better soon. Get over it. 

And let me tell you this too -there's a difference between being physically or emotionally abused by your parents and acting like a stupid little cunt, prompting them to punish you. You get grounded for sneaking out with your boyf. That's not abuse, it's just parents doing their fucking job. 

And yes, I get that people with depression didn't ask for it. Nobody asks for it and given my own experience with it in the past, I wouldn't even wish it on my worst enemy. Being depressed fucking sucks, trust me. I've been there. And if anyone is reading this feeling hopeless and lost, chin up, buddy. It gets better. You make it better. There's always a way out. And it's not easy hearing (or reading) this from a stranger, but if nobody around you is telling you this, I am. IT GETS BETTER JUST HOLD THE FUCK ON. 

Plus, if you killed yourself, you would've be able to see Captain America: Civil War. 

No, that's not making a joke out of suicide. Suicide is not a joke. It's nothing to laugh about and I'm serious. 

If you think suicide is your best option, take it from me. I've gone through one hell of an attempt already. I realize now how selfish I was being and to be honest, I'm pretty damn glad that the stupid pills didn't work. 

Don't do it. Even if it doesn't seem like it, there's hope. We'll make hope together. 

This is the first chapter of my rant book. I know it's not much of a rant, but I'll get there. 

For now, I'll leave you with some amazing lyrics: 

Don't you do it.

You're not even you yet. 

That's by Otep by the way, a really awesome female-fronted metal band. Song's called Perfectly Flawed and I found it just as I reached my lowest point. It means a lot to me, so please think about it, maybe even get the song. 

No, I don't really hate scene kids. I used to be one. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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