Locker Room Girls

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I know the original pic said basketball but I didn't realize until I was nearly done with this fic, plus soccer is the only sport that I've ever played so

Happy birthday to autisticporrim! I hope you enjoy this fic!


This was not what Rose Lalonde wanted to do after school.

If it was going her way, she would be home in her room, writing stories on her computer and knitting the rest of her yarn. Fall would be starting again in a few weeks, and her Etsy shop would be full of demands for her knitted goods.

But her mother said otherwise. She would always knock on Rose's door and interrupt her work, telling her to leave her room for once and enjoy the day outside. Rose preferred not to. She could get a lot more work done in a place where she was comfortable, and the "great outdoors" was definitely not that place.

After weeks of nagging, Rose finally broke down and signed up for soccer tryouts at her school. That was her first mistake.

The second mistake was letting her mother drive her there. Now there was no way she could get out of the tryouts. Mandy Lalonde had brought along a cooler, lawn chairs, and a camera. Rose wanted to burrow herself into the ground.

Now she was standing outside the doors to the locker room, along with a bunch of other girls, who tittered nervously about the tryouts with each other. If she had made a third mistake, it was bound to show itself soon.

"HEY, EVERYONE!" a girl yelled. Rose winced and turned to chastise whoever that was, when she realized that her third mistake had arrived.

The familiar lanky form of Jade Harley walked up to the waiting group of girls. Her messy black hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and her glasses were attached to her head by a strap. A whistle and keys hung around her neck, bouncing above the school logo on her shirt.

It wasn't that Rose didn't like Jade. They knew each other quite well, in fact. No, the problem was that Rose had a honking huge crush on Jade, and she had forgotten that Jade was the captain of the soccer team.

"I assume you're all here for tryouts! In that case, let me call roll before you guys get changed." She pulled out a clipboard and began calling names. "Thalia Grace...Winry Rockbell...Blue Sargant...Connie Maheshawren..." As she called each girl's name, a voice responded "here!" When she got to Rose's name, Jade looked up and caught Rose's eye. Rose gulped and looked away.

"Rose! Why didn't you tell me you were trying out for soccer?" she cried, walking up to her friend and rubbing her hair affectionately. Rose shoved her hand away.

"I guess the fact that you are the team's captain slipped my mind," she answered, trying to regain her cool disposition. "I certainly would have mentioned it to you if I had remembered."

"Aww, that's okay. But don't think I'm gonna make any exceptions for you just because we're friends!" Jade wagged a finger scoldingly, causing some of the other girls to laugh. "Well, looks like everyone is here, so let me go over the rules of the locker room."

Rose wanted to sink into the ground and disappear.

It felt like forever until Jade unlocked the door to the locker rooms, and the girls crushed in. "Find a locker and get changed, if you want privacy use the bathroom stalls. Seven minutes!" Before Rose could even get her stuff in a locker, all of the stalls were locked shut, leaving Jade, Rose, and a few other girls in the open.

"Do we changed out here?" a girl asked.

"Yeah. We usually don't get changed in the stalls when the whole team is here, but this is tryouts, so I'm making an exception. Get changed guys!"

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