Part One

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Hey, I'm Joshua Delinsky. It's actually spelled Joshuah, but I've decided to go by the normal Josh. I am sixteen years old, I attend a freak show of public school, and I honestly hate people. Now, I'm sure you are wondering like why I am telling you all this stuff. Well you need to know me before I take you on this wild roller coaster of emotions as I tell you how I am coping on a straight crush. Oh, did I forget to mention I am gay? Yeah, I'm really f**king gay. It's not noticeable, I'm not like feminine, but guys are hot.

We have all experienced crushes, right? Like back in third grade when you would crush on five people that most likely would end up being serial killers or drug addicts when they are older. Or in middle school, when you crush on every single guy you lay your eyes upon- no matter what age.

I guess it's easier for you straight folks. If you are a girl and you find a guy you like, you could become friends and then blast off in the relationship land. It seems, well, easy. Not for me.

Being gay in High School, and in the closet, makes it harder when you have crushes. Yes, of course it's hard on you guys and girls. But most likely your crush has the same sexual orientation as you. Not for me. Walking in the hallway rushing to class and you just gaze upon an attractive guy walking by. The atmosphere changes and it's like slow motion. You soon find out his name and all the stalker starter pack to find out, of course, the guy ain't gay. You now have to go with a couple of more months imagining yourself with them and then you are over it.

Well I am crushing on a guy, and I am crushing hard. His name is Neil McGuire. He is 18 and a senior, he is a peer leader which means he has great grades and is pretty friendly. He has pale skin, light blue eyes, dark black hair that is always messy but really works for him. Honestly, he is perfection.

I found him and realized my attraction about two weeks into the new school year. The peer leaders were all in the cafeteria in the morning and I saw him. I could not stop staring. Immediately I was like in love. Since then when I saw him I couldn't help but blush and think about him for the rest of the day. Although, I wasn't the only one crushing on him. Turns out all these girls thought he was hot too.

Coming to the accusation that he obviously is straight and those girls have a better chance I tried to forget about him. Here we are now, three months into school and I still am crushing on him. It's time for me to either just give up and move on, or try and befriend him and if he isn't gay attempt to make the guy gay.

People know I'm not very brave. I am really quiet and scared to talk to strangers. So, no matter what I do it will be a challenge. But I am ready! I've made myself some steps on how to become friends with him. Hopefully it will become the start to something good.

The Six Steps To Becoming Friends With Your Crush:

1) Stalk them on social media. I know I know! All the videos and wiki how's say to not do this. But, if you are going to approach them and become friends you want to see what they like. With social media you can what they laugh at, what they like, the type of people they surround themselves with. Especially pictures! Get to stalking!

2) Get some outside information avoid them. At the lunch table mention their name and see what people say. If they say most negative things then looks like they've had a bad rap. If you hear good things, then you seem like you are heading in a good direction. If it is all bad give second chances. Can't make an impression on what other people say....right?

3) Follow them on Instagram or Facebook. If you are still stuck in the early 2000's friend them on Facebook. It's even better if you have a lot of mutual friends. If you are going to follow them on Instagram delete all the embarrassing things. I had a lot of Mob Wives rants to delete.

4) Start a conversation.... online. Not in person because that is too fast! So like a few pictures or posts and maybe add a comment to show you seem very outgoing. Hopefully they will become interested and it can lead for you, or them, to slide into your DM's.

5) Say hi in school. That simple. A little wave, smile, nod, anything in public will probably show you are friendly towards them.

6) After liking a few posts on social media, saying hi around school, it's time for the official message online. If you already did, it's time for you to get personal. Get into a conversation and pray it leads into personal stuff and something to really make you friends.

Okay, I have the steps and now I am going to try them. By the end of the week, I will be friends with Neil McGuire!

There will be a few more parts to this! If you read my last story, no this isn't the new story I am writing. This is just something fun. And this is me in a current situation so this is helping me. Enjoy more parts !

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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