My Girlfriend's An Otaku....What The Heck Is That!?

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         ~ PROLOGUE~

We had been dating for two months now and things were going great. I'd met her in homeroom the third week of school and we almost immediately connected. "Hey eyebrows! Move your head!" were her first words to me, to which I responded, "What if I'm too tired to, ponytail." with a smirk. Since then we haven't been more happy to have met each other. I know, what a wonderful kick-start to our relationship.

   I was finally getting to go to her place and hang out with her. Her parents greetd me with a stern yet somewhat cheerful hello and explanation of the rules. Then with the brightest smile I had ever seen on her face, she dragged me to her den. She chatted some and I became very well acquanted with her cat, Momo. What an odd name...I thought to myself, but quickly shook it off, not paying it too much attention.

There was no way I could have predicted what happened next.

   "Want to watch something?" she cheerily asked, popping a random disk into the DVD player. "Uh, sure." I answered. "Why not?" I wondered what we would watch. She put the disk in so fast I couldn't tell what it was. A grin tugged at my lips as I slipped my arm around her slyly. She curled up next to me, holding a stuffed panda. How cute. I thought to myself as the disk loaded.

How did I not see this coming??

   Suddenly the TV screen came to life, exploding into a scene of pink flower petals and upbeat music in a language I didn't know at all. Bouncing up and down, the brunet beside me started to sing along to my amazement.

She knew every word.

   "" was all I managed in the commotion. She got up and strided over to the kitchen to get herself a drink, leaving me frozen and completely confused, not to mention dumbfounded. The song soon ended and two characters appeared on the screen. "OHMYGOD! I LOVE YOU! MY PERFECT OTP!" the girl I thought was normal screamed as soon as she saw them. She then skipped back with a cup of what I assumed was tea. Trying to process what in the world was going on, I decided to read her cup, trying to seek refuge in something I thought I'd be able to understand. Much to my ultimate confusion, it read, " I <3 日本"

   My mind was in a spiral of questions. What language is this, Chinese? Why is her hair so ridiculousely long? What the heck does this cup say? Why are their skirts so short? Why is his hair so spiky looking? What does OTP even mean? My head was spinning.

What? Did everyone just turn really squishy looking? The strangeness of it all continues.

   I finally managed to say something. "What the heck is this?" I asked her, snapping her out of her focus on the show. "Baka and Test" she said with a blank expression on her face. "Have you not seen this one yet?" she asked, looking puzzled.

"This one?" I asked with probably the craziest expression on my face.

"Yea, this anime."

This what?

   "I need to....I don't know. Excuse me." I exclaimed leaving my girlfriend who was already absorbed in this strange cartoon. I left the room and sat down in a rolling chair infront of a white laptop. The laptop was covered with little stickers of characters like the ones on the show I'd just witnessed. "What...?" I asked outloud, trying to let my mind catch up with everything that I had just experienced. Leading my chin on my hand, I looked down to what exactly my elbow was resting on. I brushed my shaggy blonde hair out of my eyes and saw yet another thing I couldn't read or understand. ヘタリア Axis Powers: Volume 3. My eye twitched.

What have I gotten myself into?



    This little story is dedicated to my best dude friend who is just now learning about the major otaku that lives inside me!~ Hope everyone enjoys! Tell me if you think it should continue~

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