Rogue Cheney x Reader

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T/m Type of magic

3rd Person's Pov

Y/n was walking around thinking about what to do with her life. You see Y/n was t/m mage and she really wanted to join a guild but the problem was she didn't know what guild to join. Ever since she was a little girl she wanted to join Fairy Tail even when the guild went downhill seven years ago but all that changed at the GMG. At first she didn't like Sabertooth everymuch but after the final day of the GMG did came to like them but she liked on certain person from Sabertooth the most. A certain shadow dragon slayer that went by the name Rogue Cheney. She wasn't sure why she was attracted to him but there was just something about him pulling her in.

She sighed for what felt like the hundredth time today she just couldn't decide. As she was walking around town she noticed she was in the town that Sabertooth was located in. "Hm I suppose I could check the guild out and decide there if I want to do Sabertooth or not." Y/n thought to herself. She walked around until she found a map to the city so that way she could find her way to Sabertooth. As she approached the map she noticed a little frog? Wait no a cat in a frog suit. As she got closer she recalled seeing the adorable little guy from the GMG but she could not recall his name. (I think Frosch is a boy? If Frosch is not sorry if I got it wrong.Oh and I have no idea where Sabertooth is actually located at so sorry.) She made it all the way to the map and noticed that he was crying.

Y/n Pov

"Are you alright little guy?" I asked the frog or cat whatever he is. He looked up at me and shook his head no. My heart nearly broke the adorable little guy was crying and looked so sad that it made me want to cry. "Hey now don't cry why don't you tell me whats wrong and I will help if I can ok?" I said to him. "Frosch is lost. Frosch wants Rogue." He said. "Oh so thats what his name is." I thought to myself. "Well then Frosch I was actually on my way to Sabertooth would you like me to take you with me?" I asked him. "Frosch would like that very much." Frosch then looked up at me and smiled. I swear my heart almost stopped from the adorableness.

I smiled back at Frosch. He then lifted his arms up. At first I was confused but then it clicked he wanted me to carry him there. I smiled even bigger and bent down to pick up Frosch. I stood back up to look back at the map. I found the way to Sabertooth and studied it long enough so I won't forget the way there. It was about a 15 minute walk but that was alright. The first five minutes neither Frosch or I said anything but it seemed Frosch didn't like the silence that much. "Frosch doesn't remember you being a Sabertooth wizard." He said. "That's because I'm not." I said. "Frosch would like to know if you were on your way to join?" He said. "Possibly." I said while chuckling. I couldn't help but chuckle at the way he talked it just added on to his adorableness.

For the next 10 minutes Frosch and I talked about nothing in peculiar just random things that popped up in our minds. I quite liked talking to Frosch. He was very sweet adorable and could be quite funny. It was pretty clear he didn't have a very long attention span but everyone has their flaws. We were almost to the guild and Frosch and I had gone silent once again. It wasn't a awkward silence or anything like that just a peaceful one. I was walking up to the doors when Frosch finally spoke again. "Frosch thinks you should join Sabertooth." He said caughting me by surprise. "You really think so?" I said and looked down at him. He looked up and nodded his head yes. I gave him a small smile back. "I think I just might." I said to him. I turned my head back around and opened the doors. I was not prepared for the sight I saw.

Rogue's Pov

It was nearly 3 in the afternoon and Frosch was no where to be found. We searched everywhere for him and could not find him so we all decided to come back to the guild to see if he was here. I ran the guild looking everywhere I could think of to find Frosch but came up empty handed. I was at my wits end so I went berserk throwing over chairs, tables even couches while yelling Frosch's name. "Rogue! ROGUE YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN WE WILL FIND HIM!" Sting yelled at me. "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN FROSCH IS MISSING AND WE CAN'T FIND HIM ANYWHERE DAMMIT!" I yelled back at him."Um excuse me?" I heard someone say. I turned around and my breath got caught in my throat. There stood a girl with beautiful e/c eyes and h/c hair. I felt a small blush rise to my cheeks. "Yes?" I said in a quiet voice. "Er well I have your friend here with me." She said and stuck out Frosch. "Rogue!" Frosch yelled with tears in his eyes. I quickly scrambled to him and brought him in for a hug. "Don't worry me like that Frosch." I said finally calming down.

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