Chapter 1: He Loves Me

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"So, Preston, tell me about Keller Dechain."

I'm currently sitting at some therapist's office that my mom suggested me to go see. It's not really the highlight of my day at all, in fact, I only went to appease her since she's been hounding me to seek help because I won't leave my abusive boyfriend.

I don't understand why people are telling me that he is "no good" and "dangerous" when he is nothing like that. He's the only one in this world who gets me.

Keller and I first met in high school when I was only recognized as the fat kid who always had junk food on him, and it was horrible. I was always teased about my weight even when I tried to lose it.

When we were told to run a mile in gym class, everyone would laugh at me when I came dead last and gasping for breath. The humiliation only made me eat more and more; it was my only outlet, and it worked tons. That was until I'd gain more weight.

I remember it like it was just nine years ago-which it was-that Keller confronted me. It was unnerving at first since he was known as the really tall and intimidating guy who would just glare and never ever say a word, but then I wondered why the heck he walked up to me in the first place. Did I do something I wasn't aware of? Was I blocking his way? Did he come to shove me in the lockers, and laugh at me when I couldn't fit? What surprised me was that he wasn't.

"You shouldn't be eating so much," was his first words to me and it was just plain embarrassing. I hung my head low not even wanting to see his bright eyes stare down at me as if I was just a piece of filth.

"It's not like I can help it," I replied.

"Then let me help you."

I laughed it off at first, but then he started following me everywhere and silencing those who taunted me, he was my very own guardian angel.

Then one day he invited me to his house. In my mind, I wondered what exactly two boys were now officially dating for one and a half months going to do in a house all alone, no parents to bug us, but then the train of thought quickly ended when he opened a door to what looked like a fitness room.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I groaned.

"Start running."

It was from that day on I lost every ounce of excess fat. Sure it took until way after our high school graduation-due to my uncontrollable urge to sneak sweets at night knowing for a fact he'd make me train extra hours-but I actually did it.

I lost all the weight that held me down. I put my mind into something that helped me in the long haul. It gave me so much confidence that I could actually do something! I continued to work out until I was able to see faint outlines of abs!

But that thought quickly died down when Keller and I were walking through the pier and some hunk winked at him.

Yeah, no more abs for me, but I did manage to not gain weight. Instead, I am now somewhat... scrawny. But don't worry, I did eat so I'm not anorexic or anything like that.

"He's amazing, and caring, and sweet, and he means the world to me," I answer the therapist.

"So he doesn't harm you at all?"

I hesitate to answer, but with good reason. There were times when we first started dating that he'd get pretty aggressive, but he wasn't ever in his right state of mind. He only ever gets... physical when I do something I'm not suppose to do, and it's always my fault.


The therapist, Dr. Baker, hums, writing down some things in his notebook. "Do you ever feel scared, fearful for your safety?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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