Want You Forever

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You're sitting at your kitchen table, nervously gnawing on your lip. It's nine o'clock; two hours later than when he was supposed to be home. Tadashi Hamada, your husband of just eleven months. He went to his brother's showcase, but what could be holding him there? Maybe things aren't going too well. You pick up your phone and dial his number. Voicemail. Again.

"Hey, sweetie," you say into the phone. You stand up and walk to the window. "I keep calling you, I know, and I hope that when you see the thousands of messages I've left you, you won't freak out. I'm okay, and the baby's okay," your fingertips drop down to your stomach. You're only four months pregnant, and the morning sickness is hitting hard each day. It's what made you miss Hiro's showcase. "I'm just worried. Where are you? Call me back. I love you." You hang up the phone and draw in a deep breath. Your forehead meets the cool glass of the window. "Come on, Tadashi," you whisper, "where are you?"

Suddenly, your phone rings loudly in your hand. You jump and answer it without checking the name. It's always him who calls you, anyways. "Tadashi-"

"___," A female voice says dryly.

You're surprised. "Aunt Cass," you say. "Hi. Um, have you heard from my husband? That stinker has been gone for too long," you add a nervous laugh at the end of your sentence.

"___, something's happened," she replies.

Everything inside of you suddenly jolts to a stop. "W-What do you mean?" you stutter out.

"You have to come here quick," she continues, "It's Tadashi. Just. . . get here. Now."

"O-Okay," you reply. "I'll be there. I'm on my way." You grab your purse and put your shoes on. In a rush of panic, you forget where your jacket is. You grab Tadashi's yellow cardigan and quickly shove your arms through the sleeves.

In the car, you have to remind yourself not to speed. Your mind is racing. What happened? He's obviously hurt. Was there a car wreck? Did one of the projects malfunction? You push down all of your fears to clear your head. It's no use. They sit in the pit of your stomach; a hollow reminder of all that's going wrong. The hospital lights hurt your eyes as you pull into a parking space in front of the emergency room. You quickly climb out of the car and run to the front doors. Everyone in the waiting rooms turn to you as you sprint to the front desk, where a doctor and a nurse stand and examine a sheet of blue paper. They look up at you.

"Tadashi Hamada?" you ask, letting out a strained breath.

The doctor and nurse look at each other. He purses his lips and says, "Can you follow me?" You nod and walk around the desk. He leads you through endless twists and turns of the too bright halls. Finally, you step into a small grey room.

Once you arrive, six pairs of eyes look up at you. Your group of friends, Hiro, and Cass. "Guys," you breathe.

The doctor touches your shoulder. "Have a seat, Mrs. Hamada," he suggests. You nod slightly, squeezing in between Fred and Aunt Cass.

"What happened to him?" you whisper.

The doctor clears his throat and pushes his thin glasses up the bridge of his nose. "There was a fire that broke out during the showcase. The only two people left in the building were Mr. Hamada and his professor." You raise a shaky hand to your mouth. "He made it out, but his wounds are very severe."

"And you're not sending him to a hospital that treats burns?"

"Mrs. Hamada, I'm afraid that your husband will not live much longer." Your heart and stomach sink to the floor. The image of the doctor blurs as this news settles inside. "I'm very sorry."

Want You Forever (A Short Tadashi x Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now