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Out of all people close to Tyler, Josh was the only quick-witted one.

If there was any change occur to Tyler, Josh would be the first one to notice. Even though it was the slightest one, like a haircut, new shampoo, new detergent—everything. Call it the instinct of a best friend, they’ve been together since years, anyway. And these past days, there was something off about Tyler. First of all, Tyler usually would look displeased whenever Josh asked him to accompany him skateboarding. Hell, he’d even whine every minutes—“I’m hungry”, “Joooosh”, “Ugh, Josh, I’m sleepy”, “I’m leaving you now”—and had actually leave Josh skateboarding alone. But earlier before, Tyler had this grin on his face and practically bouncing his way to the park, following Josh’s steps. He watched Josh doing all the tricks he mastered patiently and happily.

Second, Tyler would go all mad whenever Josh ignore him. But a few hours ago, Josh watched the new episode of The Walking Dead, in which he had to ignore Tyler, because, dude, it’s The Walking Dead. Usually if Josh ignored him, Tyler would switch the TV off and whine and stuffs, but he didn’t do that this time. He even plopped himself next to Josh and watch the show, too.

And then third, Tyler never reply to every text that came in his phone whenever he was talking with Josh. Tyler was always the kind of person that possessively keep Josh for himself, in a best friend way. You know, Josh for Tyler was like that one friend that you didn’t want other people to befriend with. But lately, when they had a conversation, Tyler would always check on his phone. He’d reply to a text and smiled when he read whatever it was on his phone. Suspicious much?

“Tyler,” Josh called out while closing the fridge, a can of Red Bull in his hand. The sound of ukulele which was played by Tyler before faded away, and he turned around to look at Josh. He didn’t say anything until Josh sat on the sofa across to him and sipped  his drink. Tyler opened his mouth to talk, but Josh cut him off, “Don’t you think it’s time for you to tell me who’s the lucky girl you’re in love with? Or guy, whatever.”

Tyler choked.

A smirk crept up Josh’s face while he drank some more of his Red Bull, and Tyler could only laugh. “The fuck, Josh. How’d you—really, how?”

Josh shrugged, set the can onto the table, “It’s pretty obvious, man.”

Tyler put down his ukulele and rubbed his nape, trails of chortle left his lips as he crossed his legs, “Okay, well. There’s this girl,” Tyler began. He took out his phone and his thumb began to stumble upon it’s screen as he continued talking, “I met her a month ago. She, um, she’s cute and funny and, man, I’m so in love.”

Tyler had this sparkles in his eyes as he talk. The same sparkles that lit in his eyes whenever he talked about music, and Josh felt glad because finally someone was able to make Tyler feel that way. Then, Tyler shoved his phone to Josh. The screen showed a picture of a girl, but it was all blurry. “I can barely see her face!” Josh grunted, Tyler laughed. “Sorry, I tried to take a picture of her but she’s a shy snail.”

Josh nodded, “Okay.”

“But,” Tyler lifted a hand to the air, “She’ll come to my place tomorrow. Wanna come? We can hang out together somewhere.”


A/N: Okay sooooo, since I pretty much know people won't read this I'll just update whenever my heart wants. LOL. But since I'm pretty hyped for this fic, I'll keep going though.

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