The Trainee and the Super Soldier pt. 1

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Background Info: (y/n) is Phil Coulson's daughter and is training to be a shield agent. She also has a secret power that will be revealed in a later imagine.
A throbbing ache coursed through me like a dull knife as I ran along the paved track around the reflecting pool. Exercise had never been a thing I considered unless I had eaten a large piece of heavily frosted cake or deep fried Chicken with a side of mashed potatoes and gravy but here I am panting heavily in the sticky heat of late June. The only thing keeping me from collapsing right now was my motivation to complete my training to become an agent of shield. I had been working on it for a couple months with the help of Clint Barton who found my out-of-shape-ness gosh darn hilarious yet was a supportive trainer most of the time. A sudden woosh of air hitting my back and a, "on your left", tore me from my motivational thoughts and I looked to see a tall muscular blondy Sprint past me. He has an attractive back, I thought stopping to watch him fade in the distance. That's when I fell to my knees in defeat. Crawling to the nearest shade I starfished under a nice tree in soft green grass and muttered to myself about the hott blonde. "Ma'am are you alright?" A voice spoke. I squinted my eyes to see said hott blonde looking down on me in concern. "Yeah yeah thanks man. That last lap and the heat together didn't work for me." I said not mentioning that it had only been my second lap... "This heat it a killer. I'm Steve Rogers" the man said smiling then holding a hand out for me to help me up. "(Y/N)" I say grabbing his hand and abandoning the soft soft grass. I stumble and fall towards the hot ground before two strong hands grab my waist. "You sure you're okay?" Steve asks holding me steady. "Ye-yeah I'm fine. Just a clutz. Thanks for catching me", I say glad that my face was red already from the heat and Mr. Hunk would see me blush. He just nods and starts walking me to a bench with one hand still on the small of my back. I crane my neck back to look up at the tall figure when I come to a realization. "Are you...Captain America?" I ask slowly. He chuckles answering,"Yes. I'm surprised you recognized me without the uniform.". "Yeah well my dad was a huge fan of yours. Had a whole set of trading cards. They were vintage and he loved them....He always kept them near him." I said smiling at the memories of my father. Steve's face clouded with grief at these words. He had heard them before. "Who was your father?" He asks already knowing and dreading the answer. "Phil Coulson."

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