Documentary 1

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Seeing the world as a better moment to capture on and a better spot to picture on are my foundation in my job. I Explore heights, travel to wild, face dangers, and even surf to the past times just to capture a moment of a lifetime. This is me, I see our world in different angle. I started my job with imagination so I'll finish it with imagination. Documentarian and Journalist are my job. At first, you will think that recording treasures are so amazing. But no! I risk my life just to publicize wonderful phenomenas in the people's televisions. I am working in my Uncle's company which is the National Sceneries and Photography Association (NSPA). It was started since 1976 and made a stock record, holding💰2.05 billion per year, but the world is definitely changing and our company is struggling about our status.

My name is Tracy Luxford and I'm living in the beautiful city of New York. I have no family because my father died at the age of 47 and my mother left us with no definite reasons. So here. I'm so alone. My house is just simply. It is two-story and it's look like semi-bungalow. It is decorated with colorful festooned and because it's Christmas season, a small pine tree surrounded with little bulbs colorfully lighting place on my garden. Then I entered my house with a glistening smiling face. I left my camera over the stereo and started to take a hot shower.

I stepped on the bathroom naked and turned the shower on. Warm and comfortable lukewarm water spreading all over my body. Then my phone interrupted me because there was someone calling. I got my towel and wrapped it over mine. I unlocked it and I surprisingly saw that it was my uncle, uncle Aragon.

"Tracy I need you! Come to our headquarter." He commanded me.

"But why uncle? I made a documentary about ocean life yesterday. Don't you say I'm in duty again?" I asked wonderingly.

"Stop asking questions. Come here now!" He shouted over my phone and then hung up. I hurriedly wore my skinny dress and cover my body with feathered jacket and started to leave my house. I took a taxi and a few minutes later I was in the NSPA's gate. I ran towards the elevator and pushed the button that would headed me in the 19th floor where the company's HQ located.

I knocked on the door with a 2-digit number indicated and it looked like room '45', room '75', but never mind. It is not necessary! "Who's that?" A strange voice asked inside the room. "I'm Tracy!" I shouted. "Come in." Then he unlocked the door and I saw my co-workers were sitting there. And also I saw Mr. Aragon standing at the front looking directly at me.

"You are going to attend a formal meeting, not a fashion show." He said teasingly and I saw everyone in the room laughing and giggling at me. I felt humiliated. I sat beside Emily, our weird visual aids provider. Then she say 'hi' to me and I rolled my eyes and focused to the speech of my uncle. Someone caught my attention. Someone who looks hot, adorable, mouth-watering, and badass. I thought he's new here. I looked at his body and saw his name tag with a name indicated 'Richard'. Oh. What a beautiful name for a handsome boy like him. Then I heard my uncle becoming very serious at his speech.

"We lost all. We need to payback! We need to capture the eyes of the people. So I and other administrator planned that all of you will be under a very special task. You need to go in different parts of the world and take some shots and video about different odd happenings that are not seen by the human eyes. Are you going to take the challenge?!" He gestured his arms around us and looked us sincerely.

I looked around and saw that my co-workers were talking about our mission. Then he called our names....I was trembled.


"I'm ready sir." Dennis answered.


"I'm ready sir." Rina answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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