Part 1

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Some introductions.

Being a spy is exhausting but pretty amazing. But, how amazing can it be when one girl and nine boys have to cooperate in order to complete a worldwide mission that will save humanity?

Simon is the chief of the boys 'company'. I was working at another similar 'company' wich chief is Stefan Miller. Simon was working on a weird precius stone together with Stefan. That stone is an emerald different from any other emerald. It has amazing powers. When I discovered that Stefan wanted to use it to kinda destroy humanity, I brought to Simon the emerald and a note that was with it. I quited my job and started working for Simon.

The note that was with the emerald has some weird shapes and undernrath the shapes there are letters in a weird order. Also, one more weird thing, is sonething written one the note;《There are eleven. Eleven green. Spreaded in the same land. Find the right land and explore it. Find eleven and be great.Until here, ten to go!》

Simon says that these are instructions in order to find the rest of the emeralds. He says that the sapes and the unordered letters are also sone kind of instructions.
I have only seen the note once for not more than thirty seconds or so.

I haven't met the boys yet.
I only know their profiles.
Zayn Malik, Nial Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles,Michael Cliford, Calum Hood, Ashtonon Irwin Luke Hemmings.
Nine boys. I know their names, their looks. I know what they are responsible for, some things from their past. I know their disabilities. It would be a waste of time to explain everything now. Have patience.

Oh, you wanna know about me?
I'm Amanda.
Everything else is just a detail...

Amanda and the boys - EmeraldsWhere stories live. Discover now