The Outbreak

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(8 November 2015) 9 a.m. in Mable City. There was lots of noise in the city. Everyone started screaming and running away for their lives as there were people who started biting everyone. The people who got bit mutated into a zombie. But sadly only a few survived the outbreak. It all started at the science lab of Mable University. The students at the university were testing a modified version of a virus on a rat. The experiment went wrong when the rat managed to escape and started biting everyone in the science lab. The students who got bit in the science lab started biting the other students in the university and infecting them with the contagious virus. Everyone who got bit will get their skin rotten really fast. At 9 a.m. in the morning, Chris and his friends John, Ivy and Sarah
are in their high school. They were learning history and they heard the noise. Their teacher quickly went to the office to report this and they found out that it was a zombie apocalypse. The teacher ran back to the class and asked the students to follow him to get to safety but Chris knew his teacher would get everybody killed so he told John, Ivy and Sarah to make a group to survive the zombie apocalypse. They ran out of the school and tried to run away but it was quite hard because the school is surrounded by the infected people. GODDAMMIT, THEY SURROUNDED THE GODDAMN SCHOOL!!! " John shouted angrily. Chris calmed him down and tried to find a spot where the zombies can't find them but the zombies were already surrounding them. The only way to try escaping the situation is to get to the sports equipment store room. They ran inside but there is only one way to exit the room which was the door they used to get in. Ivy saw some hockey sticks lying on the floor so she told everyone to take a hockey stick and try to hit all the zombies and try to escape, and so they did. They ran out of there as fast as they could and escaped the school. Once they reached the exit they noticed that the zombies are too much for them to fight off. Suddenly, there was a van that hit the zombies and cleared the way. The driver of the van was Chris' big brother. Chris' brother told them to get in the van with a mad face. It was kinda his fault the zombie outbreak happened because he let go of the rat in the science lab and managed to escape. He was also the genius who managed to modify a virus and made it the most dangerous virus in the world... I mean like he can invent bio-weapons and turn everyone into a zombie but he wouldn't cuz he is supposed to be creating an anti-virus to stop this. Well back to the story.. Chris and his friends got into the van and found a safe place to hide in a nearby gas station. TO BE CONTINUED....

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