Chapter 1

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"Mom, you are so crazy," I yelled at her when she told me that we were moving again. "We literally just got here and settled in and now we have to leave. You are so unfair. Why can't we ever just stay in one place for at least a year?" I could tell by the look on my mom's face that she didn't want to have this talk again. We have moved like thirteen times in my entire life which means that I have spent most of my life traveling and moving and having to restart my entire life all over again, and I was getting sick of it.

"Listen to me, Cloe, I am getting very tired of your complaining lately. and just so that you know, as long as you live under my roof you will obey my rules and live where I live. Do you understand me?" I nodded my head and gave her a sour face. "Now go up stairs and pack up we are living in a week." I got up and scuffed down the hallway to my room, but I didn't start packing. Instead I sat on my bed with my eyes swelling with tears, but I had no idea why they were.

When the day came to leave I began to walk around the now empty house thinking of the few good memories that I had made in my few months there. I didn't have much time to make many friends but the ones that I did make where the best ones that I had had in a long time. My mom came in to get me, but instead of finding me vacuuming like she told me to she found me laying on the ground in my own world. "Cloe Angela Harris," She said in a stunned voice when she saw me. "I told you to vacuum and then help us finish pack the things in the car, and I find you day dreaming and doing none of your work!" I sat up slowly and began to stretch. "Oh sorry mom," I said in the middle of a yawn. "Well you should be. Now we have to leave this mess for the real estate people to clean up and do you know how much I hate doing that to them?" I nodded my head, then stood up and walked out to the van. The whole time feeling my mom's glare burn a hole in my skull.

The ride from Arizona to Texas was extremely dull. I played through all the music on my I pod at least seven times and tried to read a book, but I was so bored that I couldn't concentrated. Then finally my mom told me that we had just entered into Texas and would have about two more hours of driving. This was heavenly news for me especially because I was in a car with my mother for seventeen hours today. Which was torture. About an hour and forty five minutes passed and I heard the announcement that in five minutes we would be pulling into the drive way of out new house. With this I quickly packed all my things that we taken out back into my back pack and looked out the window, but there wasn't much to look at. We were practically driving in the middle of no where. The only things that showed life where the few scattered houses and wild animals. "Oh, great," I thought. "This is just great."

Finally we pulled into a driveway that was surrounded by a canopy of trees that were neatly kept. then suddenly they disappeared and opened up into a huge, well, farm. It was kind of disturbing at first. There was a huge old looking house that looked newly painted in a white coat, but something was off about it. Then to its right was a gigantic red barn that was in the process of being painted a deep red with white trim. ya I bet it sounds beautiful but its not, its horrible I bet this place doesn't even have WI-FI.

The first thing that my mom did was go to the back of the moving truck and get out our luggage, while I went inside to inspect what I am suppose to call home. Inside was already furnished in an older fashioned kind of look which I hated. One thing that really peeved me was how there was no carpet only wood floor and I hate wood floors, and the upstairs was all the same. I already hated this "new" home.

I didn't even bother to unpack my bags, I hated this place and knew that we would have to leave soon if I put up a good enough fight.

Later that evening when my mom had finished putting the dishes in the dish washer and put away the left overs she came up to my room. "Cloe, honey," she said through a crack in my door. "I was wondering if you would like to come and take a walk with me down to the lake?" I sat up and closed my laptop that I had just been on. "Why do you want to take a walk mom, you never wanted to take a walk after Daddy left us. So why now?" I looked at her quizzically but she had a faintly sad smile pasted on her face which made me feel like I was being just a bit to mean, so I grabbed my jacket and went to the door. "Ready," I asked her. She smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

It really wasn't that cold out but I always loved to be extra warm for some reason. The walk was mostly silent, the only noises came from the rustling of the tree branches and the sound of the small insects and animals talking to each other, which were all very peaceful. Soon we came to a fork in the road and my mom went to the left and I followed. Then, we came upon another farm house. "Mom, this is not the lake," I said very agitated, but yet my mom was extremely calm. "I know honey I took a small detour to one of our neighbor's homes to talk, it will only be a minute." With this I knew that she didn't want to talk about it anymore, so I didn't.

"Hello, Mrs. Evans, how are you today?" My mother said as we sat down at a dinning room table that wasn't cleaned yet from dinner. "Oh, please call me Ann," she said in a jumpy but soft voice. "Alright Ann. Well, as I had told you earlier this is my daughter Cloe." Ann stood up and grabbed my hand and gave it a good shake. "How could I forget a pretty name like that." I must have made a face or something because she looked a bit embarrassed as she let go of my hand and sat back down. "Um. . . thanks," I said trying to make her feel a bit better.

The two women talked for quite a while then finally they told me they were almost done and dismissed me for just a second.

I rolled my eyes as I stood up and walked out of the room, I just wanted to go and walk to the lake with my mom and this little "detour" was taking much longer that she had expected.

I walked out side and sat on the step to wait for my mom, the suddenly someone appeared from behind the barn and started to walk towards me. I stood up, folded my arms and waited for them for some odd reason.

Finally a slim girl just a bit younger than me was in front of me. "Hey my name is Angela, what is yours?" She had an extremely peppy voice. "Um. . . its Cloe. I just moved into the house down that way today. . . so. . . um ya, its nice to meet you." I turned away from her and was ready to walk away from her but she grabbed my hand and began to pull me in the other way.

"Hey!" I shouted in surprise. What do you think you are doing?!" She just smiled and calmly said,"I want to show you my older brothers." I rolled my eyes and forcefully followed her to a field behind the barn, and that's when I saw him, or I should say he saw me.

Texas and in Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن