I Found You

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Today was the day! My first day of college, it smelled of desperation of trying to find "the one" while everyone had their own little groups. I wore a light blue dress and straightened my hair.

I was left to be by myself not that I wanted to be in a group or anything I just refuse to be friends with someone that has the capability to speak words that can affect your self-confidence that's why animals are better than people in my opinion.

I dragged my suitcase to the front desk to check in and get my schedule and my dorm keys, "name ?" the lady said in a monotone voice as she looked at me with dull eyes.

I gulped as I chuckled nervously " Emiko Sakagami" the lady turned away and started typing

"here you go your room is on the 4th floor room 216" she mumbled handing me the keys to my room. I shouted a thank you before walking away as fast as I could while dragging my bags behind me.

I walked into the elevator and pressed the number three and patiently waited for the elevator to close I threw my head back letting my breath catch up with my body. So many scenarios are rushing through my head it's making me sick to my stomach.

The doors opening meaning time for me to get the heck out of here and into my dorm! I ran out of the elevator and slowly walked down the hall.

213...214..., 215..., and 216! I dropped my bags onto the floor and pushed the key in and unlocked door. I walked in and let my eyes roam around as I pushed my bags in the corner.

When I walked in all I saw was the kitchen combined with the living room.

I walked down the hallway and into the first door on my right I looked around to see 2 beds and a walk in closet. I shut the door and went on the other side of the dorm to see there were a bathroom and another closet.

I sighed and walked back into the kitchen/living room, and stood there with my back facing the front door.

I honestly don't like the fact we have to share a room with a complete stranger like what if their serial killers!? And they try to kill me!? I don't think anything could top that.

My thoughts came to a stop when I heard the door slam wide open and a voice saying "oh heck no" I slowly turned around to see the boy from my past that ruined me Naruto Uzumaki. To be honest right at this moment, I would rather have a serial killer living with me.

"Nar-Naruto?" I gasped

"Yea no duh of course it is, I'm not doing this today" he muttered

Before walking out and slamming the door behind me

I felt my throat get scratchy as I fell back on the couch and tried to process everything that happened and that's when I closed my eyes and passed out


"Naruto wake up we have to go to school" I whispered shaking Naruto awake

"No leave me here" he mumbled in his pillow

"Nope I'm not leaving until you get your lazy butt up"


"Alright you asked for it "I grabbed a bucket of water that Naruto's Mom leaned me

And poured it on top of him causing the top of his head and his pillow to be soaking wet

"WHAT THE ACTUAL EMI!!!" he yelled getting up and running to the bathroom

I just broke down laughing so did the Naruto parents

I walked downstairs and sat on the Uzumaki's couch and waited for Naruto

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