Chapter 1

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12:15 pm

I look up from my AP English test and realize I have only been writing for 35 minutes but I only had two more questions left to answer. It's complete torture having to write a test on the last day before the Christmas break, but I feel like Mr. Bautista pitied us and made the test really easy. I read the last two questions and I instantly change my mind. Nope, he didn't pity us because I now have to answer two short essay questions in only 25 minutes. Kill me now.

With a minute to spare I stand up and hand in my test to Mr. Bautista standing at the door. "Happy holidays Emma and have a safe trip. See you next year," he says and I smile and nod as I open the door. As much as he is strict but kind, I can't seem to utter more than one word when he talks to me because aside from being the youngest and coolest teacher at school, Mr. Bautista is very good looking and about every girl in Millwood High has a crush on him. Even some guys.

The bell rings as I walk towards my locker and instantly I'm greeted by a familiar face. "So how was your test?" asks my very best (and only) friend Annalyne, or Lyne as I like to call her. I put all of my books in my locker and slammed it shut. "The first half was super easy and the second half broke my hand," I say while shaking my now cramped hand. "That's what you get for taking AP English," Lyne comments. "Now let's go get pizza, I'm starving."

We go down into the cafeteria for C Lunch and line-up for food. As Lyne and I approach the cashier, our favourite lunch lady Rosie greets us. "Hi pretty ladies, how are you on this fine day?"

"Hi Rosie," we respond smiling. Lyne replies to Rosie's question, "We're good, just getting some pizza." "Oh good! Robert made your favourite today, Hawaiian," said Rosie as she rung our order.

"Emma baby, are you all ready for your trip? Miami is no Hawaii, but it sure does beat this cold Toronto weather. I sure wish I was going with you," she looks at me while fixing her hairnet.

"I'm almost good to go, I just need to finish packing a few more essentials and I should be ready for my flight tomorrow morning," I say moving to the side to let a few students through. "Now be careful honey, they say there's a storm moving in and I do hope you have a safe flight now, "Rosie says with concern in her voice.

I smile at the thought that someone else other than Lyne or my parents care about me, let alone my safety. Since the first day of freshman year Rosie has become one of my favourite people here in Millwood High and I'm going to miss her when I leave next year. "I will Rosie and I'll make sure to bring back something special for you. Happy Holidays and see you next year!"

"Happy Holidays ladies!" Rosie waves as she rings another student through.

Lyne leads us to an empty table and sits down across from me, "Gosh, I love Rosie, she's too sweet. Can she be my part-time grandma or something? I'd love to have her lasagna for dinner every night." I laugh, "I know right?"

"So are you excited? Your first flight by yourself!" Lyne asks taking a bite of her pizza. "Um, I guess a little. I mean I'm definitely excited for the wedding, and the beach and the warm hot Miami air, but you know I'm not too fond of flying," I say taking a big bite as well.

This weekend, my Aunt Claire was getting married to her fiancé Ben at a beach in Miami. I honestly have no idea why they would get married during Christmas time, but as my mom's younger sister, of course the whole family has to be there to celebrate. So this year, we're ditching the annual Christmas traditions and thankfully, the freezing cold weather as well. As much as I love Toronto, and the occasional snow, I would rather bathe myself under the sun and float on the water till my heart's content.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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