Goodmorning Beautiful

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Bella's POV

I watch the sun rising through my curtains and my body feels exhausted. The clock reads 6 a.m. blinking in red. I huff as i stare at the ceiling. I didn't sleep last night at all.

I try to get out of bed but im met with the cold breeze and i cringe retreating back to the warmth of my covers. After some time i manage to get myself up and walked downstairs.

I throw my hair up in a messy bun with the elastic around my wrist and make my way to the kitchen. My parents aren't home as always so i raid the fridge and grab yesterdays pancakes and throw them in the microwave. While i waited for them to warm I head to the hallway window, not caring if my neighbors see me in my baggy t-shirt and cheerleading shorts.

I throw open the curtains and am greeted with the dim sunrise. Everything is still outside and quiet. Everyone is asleep and its nice. The microwave beeps violently notifying me that my food is ready. I take the pancakes and make a couple sandwiches and grab as much junkfood as i can with my spare hand. I trudge up the stairs and close my door. I place the extra food in the mini fridge beside my bed and place my pancakes on my nightstand.

I grab my laptop from my dresser and set my phone on the charger. I guess today will be a lazy day for me. I plop down onto my bed and reach into my fridge to retrieve a chocolate milk and devour my breakfast.

I scroll through tumblr on my computer while my phone softly plays coldplay beside me. All of a sudden the song is interupted by a notification in my phone.

Instagram:Jack_holester has followed you.

Well thanks stranger for the follow but id rather u not interupt my music.

I quickly unlock my phone and play the fray. I throw my phone next to my pillow and decide to do some homework. Just before i could open microsoft the music stopped again.

I begin to get aggrevated and grab my phone.

My phone begins blaring due to notifications. I roll my eyes and look at my blinking lock screen as i attempt to read everything that pops up.

Instagram: Jack_holester liked your photo.

Instagram: Jack_holester commented on your photo//

Instagram: Angelbabe.xo commented on your photo// Why did he follow her she isn't even pretty 

Instagram: Cynthiaisbae commented on your photo// omg!! JARED FOLLOWED HER?!?!  She is gorgeous not fair  @olivia_hunter

Instagram: Jared_holester commented on your photo// Hey babe  your beautiful.

What is going on? I quickly unlock my phone and go onto instagram. I gained 750 followers in the last 9 minutes right after that Jared followed me.

I have countless comments asking why he followed me, if we were dating, and the rest were girls calling me gorgeous. Who was he?

I pressed his username and was unamused with what popped onto the screen. An instagram famous boy followed me.

Thats usually every girls dream but i dont really care for them. They usually can get any girl, or they're straight players. I mean i find them hot dont get me wrong but i just dont choose to drool over them.

Suddenly im snapped out of my thoughts when i get a dm.

Jared_holester: Hey beautiful

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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