Chapter 1

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The days were darker than Earth's. Though she woke up and saw the beautiful stars that filled the sky like clouds, and was surrounded by Lunar lights during the day, none of them compared to the rising sun that Cinder so wanted to see. Everyday for a short period of time she did catch glimpses of it, and everyday she grew more desperate to feel it once again. 

Today was no different.

Cinder woke to the loud knocking of Iko. Although it was dark outside, she could tell that it was still to early to begin her queen business. Cinder rolled on to her side pulling her pillow over her head and pretended that she couldn't hear the banging. But the next thing she knew she was being pounced on by a beautiful escort droid with blue hair, and a young women with a scar running down the side of her cheek and beautiful curly brown hair that seemed to have a life of its own.

Cinder groaned in protest as they pulled her to a sitting position. "Good morning your magesty, I hope you slept well.", this was Iko who loved the fact that she could now use the words your magesty without being around Kai. "I am so glad you're awake!" Winter excitedly said. "You know what today is don't you cousin?" "Don't remind me." Cinder said while yawning. Winter bounced up and down on the bed squirming with excitement, "Of course I must remind you! It's your one year anniversary of being queen!" Yay, Cinder thought, this is going to be the most exhausting day of my life. She had grown accustom to thinking this, as queen nothing was as simple as it should be. Even getting dressed in the morning was exhausting. And although Cinder could deal with it, there was one thought that she couldn't forget, a thought that sat inside her heart reminding her that no matter how free Luna was she would never again have that luxury.

Cinder rolled out of bed and came to stand in front of the window that faced the rest of the city. Once again waiting to catch a glimps of the Sun light as it pulled behind the moon like it did every morning. When it finally appeared a pain filled her heart, pain that could only be caused by the sadness of that one thought. 

No matter how much of me is Lunar, Luna will never be my home and Earth will always be to far from me to be able to feel the sun.

After Winter: A Lunar Chronicles Fan FicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora