Hell is my home.

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Raine. That's my name and even though it's not the most common specification of a human, it's good enough for me.
I am in my junior year of highschool, and I'm honestly done with people.
They are just too predictable and they don't even see what they do to other people. That is why I stay to myself and don't communicate with those vile specimens.

Currently I am in biology and doodling all over my paper, that's supposed to be covered in notes. I don't know why I am so off track today but it feels good taking a break from paying attention. Class goes by so fast that I jump when I hear the bell ring into my ears. I collect my books into my arms and sprint out of my class because it's time to go home and that means freedom.
I am out of the doors before anyone else because I don't have anyone to chat with. I pull out my earbuds from my backpack and plug them into my phone and press play. I walk slowly now concentrating on the drum's rhythms and the guitar's sound waves. The song ends with a sudden halt. Great, My phone died. I pull out my earbuds and sigh. I walk home in silence, having a strong desire to faceplant on my couch and watch Netflix.
I get to my apartment in about 5 minutes because it is not that far away from my school. I unlock the door and I go straight to the kitchen. I get out some orange juice and a cookie. I suppose I have no homework so that means a boring night, again. I turn on Supernatural and sit back and be lazy and irrelevant. I live by myself because my family is horrible so that just means more peace and quiet for me.

After awhile it turns out binged watched a season and it's 12:00am. So I turn off the TV and lay on the couch for awhile until I eventually fall asleep.

    I wake up to my phone alarm blasting in my ear because I guess I left my phone on my face when I fell asleep. I get up and my eyeliner and hair is decent so I just change my clothes into something slightly less grunge. I grab my backpack and phone,-that's fully charged thankfully since I charged it last night-and head out my door.
    Today when I get to school everything seems, different. Everyone is talking to each other and they don't even acknowledge my presence, which they normally do considering they hate my guts. I keep walking to my locker like nothing happened. I open my locker with swift motions and put my backpack inside. I grab my books and go to my first class.

    I get inside and I see people talking like before. I sit down in my usual seat, which is the same in every class, the back of the room in the corner. I get out all the stuff I need for this class and then I just sit there, looking around the classroom, waiting for the teacher to walk in. When the bell is about to ring I see a kid I don't really recognize. He looks like one of my people, you know one of those kids that sits in the back of the class because they get picked on a lot? Yeah that kind but his face is actually decent. I just shrug it off because I'm not interested into talking to people like, ever. So I just put my head down and stare at my doodles from yesterday.
    During the whole period I sit there doodling and glancing at the new guy every 10 minutes. The bell rings and I jump not paying attention again. I honestly care about school but I do think I need a break. I get out of my seat and walk to my next class. I look back because I feel like someone is staring at me. I catch the new guy staring at me and I panic and turn away. As soon as I turn my head I collide with a girl and all my books scatter across the hallway floor. I mumble a string of words towards the girl and I start picking up my books because of course she couldn't help me it would be social suicide. I soon see a hand helping me with my books. I slowly look up and I see it's the new guy.Well he's ruining his reputation right now helping me, but if he insists, I won't say no. He smiles at me and a show a small smile just so I don't come off as rude. Soon I have all my books in my arms again and before I can even think I say, "Thanks, hey you're the new guy right?"
"Yeah I am, my names Kyle. What about you?"
"Raine, well I hope you have a nice time here, even though that's kind of impossible after all it's high school."
"Thanks, well, see you later."
"Okay bye."
I walk away and start heading to my class like before. I walk through the door and sit down at my seat. I get out my stuff and like I always do I study my surroundings. I look at the people in my class thinking what else do they do besides gossip and tell lies. Maybe hang out with friends but that goes into the gossip area. I guess that's all they do. I then look at the clock that's supported by the doorframe. The bell is about to ring and of course the teachers still outside talking to teachers. I would really like it if she would just come in so I could get this day over. But instead of the teacher there he is again, Kyle now, walks through the door and sits down in a chair. I keep looking at him because I'm wondering what classes we have together. As I'm stuck in my train of thought, he turns around and looks around catching my gaze and he smiles at me. He gets up and takes the seat next to me.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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