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"Oi, Get out of me shop you bloody Slytherin, your family only brings shame to our people, get out and don't ever come back or else I'll call the Aurors!"

Andrew raised his thick eyebrows. "Was the market that bad, miss Claralia, what happened?" His accent was thick and his face filled with concern.

I grab a vase -an expensive one, and throw it against the wall in frustration. I know not everyone knows the real story of the Slytherin family, how my side of the family are not evil, we don't kill, torture or believe in the dark lord.

Growing up as a Slytherin, I am use to this kind of hatred and fear when  in regard of my family. When I was younger I was a shy little girl who never understood why I was being feared and envied at the same time. My mother took pride in our side of the heritage, you see, long story short, Salazar Slytherin had two sons. The first was a visionary, pure-hearted; the kind of person who changes history. The second one was always in his brother's shadow, under appreciated and evil at heart. They were at constant war with each other and despised one another. After Salazar left Hogwarts with the second son, the first son took his place as a founding father of his house and he even taught Merlin. Not wanting to ruin his father's image and name, he left all the credit to him. The first son's family continued to live on and carry his legacy, whilst the second son did the same until a certain Tom Riddle was born, with the heirloom of Slytherin and the second heir of the Slytherin family. No one knew, but this event changed the way my family was perceived. I turned towards my butler, "Never mind."

With a shrug, Andrew took my suitcase and walked out my room. I sighed of out of annoyance and rolled my eyes. Rolling over in bed, I pulled a pillow over my head. "It doesn't matter anyways."


Heyy guys! I just wanted to say I really appreciate you reading this story! Don't be a silent reader comment, share, vote and have some pizzaa! And see y'all next chapter! -Fran

Heyy lovelies!! Hope you like our fanfic, I know it's not the same back story as the Harry Potter books but I promise Claralia will follow the golden trio in an original way! xx What house do you think she will get?!? -Kara

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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