Chapter 1

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I woke up in the morning to the sound of sensei Kai telling me to get up and get dressed for training, I got up and got dressed and left the room. I than walked down the the long training sessions. To the right was the kunai target practice, which has been my personal favorite, to the left was tanto and wakazashi assassination practices, which I somewhat excelled in, than I just kept going and saw sensei Kai. "Kenshi" sensei said, "You are working on disarming your opponent and killing them silently" no I thought to myself, this was one of my worst skills disarming silently is my worst skill. I wish I could do something else I thought to myself, but I guess I will have to deal with it. "So Sensei" I said "Who will my opponent be to learn my technique and strengthen it." Your opponent of the day will be Natsuki" Sensei said. Natsuki I thought seems like such a feminine name I hope his skill makes up for it. "Sensei" I said "Can we start the training?" I would really like to meet this Natsuki person." "Patience young one" Sensei said, "Your time of proving yourself will come very soon, but remember Kenshi patience is a virtue, patience also has no time, but merely the ability to not think about how much time has gone by or wasted." I looked at sensei and understood, in which I nodded at the advice that sensei had given me. Almost what felt like an hour passed by, but during that time I was constantly thinking, changing the way I would fight the oppotent to disarm, and kill, not so much the killing part but I can not show mercy. Sensei looked at me and said "Kenshi it is time to train." I walked in the room; a smallish female was sitting on the mat. "Sensei" I said "Where is Natsuki is, he late?" "Kenshi" he said "That is natsuki." My heart dropped and sank, how can someone like her be my opponent, I know I am bad but a girl, I didn't even know females went here. "Sensei" I said "Why am I fighting her?" "even someone with my skill of hand to hand combat would still win  against her" "Well Kenshi" he said "If you feel so comfortable fighting her, why don't you prove yourself to me and her?" "Ok" I said, I thought to myself how hard could it actually be. I walked over to the mat. "Hello Natsuki I am Kenshi" I said. She replied with silence, not even a single nod or shake of the head she was as silent as could be. "I have to train with you on disarming and killing" I said, "so if it is ok with you I would like to start now." She nodded, that nod seemed so intimidating and I don't why. I stood my stance, she stood in an awkward stance, the stance look very familiar it was a stance that would be usual for defense, but for it to be in an offensive drill seems odd. "BEGIN!" Said Sensei. I charged at her with full force and speed wooden knife in hand, but she was gone in a flash, I turned around to see her put my arms behind my back in such in uncomfortable position I thought she was about to break my arms in an instant I let go of the knife. I was silent trying not to give her the impression I was in pain and her method was working, she than unfolded my arms than put one over her shoulder, than pushed one side down, almost as if she was trying to break my arm to the point that bones would be sticking out, but instead she flipped over her body; she put her foot to my throat. I tried grabbing her foot to get it off my throat, but that was a mistake, she than pushed on my throat harder, than before I knew it I blacked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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