Chapter 1: How it started

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Rae's POV :

So one night I was sleeping when all of the sudden I woke up to the front door slamming shut. Me being the 15 year old I was, I went to look at it. Big mistake my dad was drunk as hell. he looked me in the eye and said he hated my guts and that I am a mistake. I was never meant to be born. I had tears in my eyes. He told me never to speak of this, then he hit me. From that day i became depressed. I told my mother on accident and it started a big fight between all of us. My theme song is 21 guns by Green Day. It represents that night and i also listened to it that night. If your wondering what my face looks like well i have grey eyes, pale skin, and whitish bluish hair. My favorite bands are: Green Day, Black Veil Brides, Bring Me The Horizon, My Chemical Romance, Falling In Reverse, September Mourning, Marilyn Manson, Sleeping With Sirens, Get Scared, etc. I have a few friends. Sabrina Grimm is my bestest friend. We have been friends since 4 grade when she was in the orphanage. Johnnie Guilbert is my 2nd bestest friend, ever since 2 years ago, when he was new. Thats all my friends, well thats a lie. I have a boyfriend. He lives with Sabrina. His name is Puck. Quarter back of the football team. Don't worry im not a cheerleader. God there sluts. Well anyway as I was saying-

"Hey! Pipe it down up there! I know what your saying!" Janson yelled. Janson is my 'father'. I didn't reply. I was to scared. I heard pounded steps going up the stairs 'crap' I thought. My door opened."Aye! Your Supposed to answer me when I talk to you!"

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