Pretty Brown Eyes (Cody Simpson fan fic)

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"Today we spotted Cody Simpson walking around L.A with Bella thorn. We believe her and Cody at da-" I quickly shut off the tv not wanting to hear another word about him. Even I tho I didn't know him personally I couldn't help but have a shock wave of jealousy run through my body.

I should probably introduce myself. My name is Melody Gray, I am fourteen years old and live in the year of 2011 at this moment. I have long straight and sometimes curly brown hair that stops at my mid back. I also have big brown eyes that everyone adores. I don't get why tho. Any who, I live in L.A with just my mom. A year ago my dad left us for some younger woman from Spain. Since then, my mom has struggled with drinking. She always sober during the weekdays, but unless its night or the weekend she's not. We never really talk, it's either a quick hi or yes to let me do things then she's back to her drunk self.

I haven't really had any troubles with her until last week. I was about to leave for a walk when she started yelling at me and accusing me of drinking her last beer. I denied it but she didn't believe me. The more I kept denying the angrier she got. Eventually she slapped me across the face, when I fell to the ground she kicked my stomach then walked away leaving me on the ground. Since that day last week, she's been doing this repeatedly to me, getting worse and worse everyday.

Right now she was out, luckily. Your probably wondering how I still keep dealing with this. And how I've not killed myself yet. Well, the only reason I am still here is because of one person, that person is...Cody Robert Simpson. The first time I herd his amazing voice, I fell in love. When ever I think about hurting myself or doing anything stupid like that I turn on his music and it calms me down. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here today. He's my inspiration, the person I look up to, my idol.

"MELODY" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I started shaking, scared of what was going to happen next.

"I'm coming mom" I yelled back while running down the stairs. What I didn't know was she was standing right at the bottom of the stairs. When I wasn't looking I ran into her.

"Watch it bitch" she yelled slapping me across the face.

"Ow" I cried.

"Suck it up" she said. "Now tell me WHY the hell you got a B on you math test" she asked.

"Cause I did. It's not like its an F" I shrugged.

"Well it's not good enough! A's...A's are good! Not B's" she yelled slapping me again.

"Stop" I mumbled.

"What did you say" she snapped.

"Stop" I said a little louder.

"WHAT" she screamed.

"STOP" I yelled.

"Don't you yell at me" she slapped me even harder.

"Stop abusing me" I snapped.

"That's not wanna know what abusing is" she asked. I quickly shook my head. "Too late" she simply told me before trying to grab me. But I dogged and started running for my room. "Get back here you whore" she chased after me.

As soon as I got into my room and locked the door,I grabbed my duffle bag that I packed yesterday incase this happened. Grabbing my phone and charger I started heading for the window.

"I can wait here all day" I heard her say banging on the door.

i chuckled under my breath before climbing out my window and slid down the roof of my house. As soon as I safely hit the ground I started running. Just running, not knowing where to go.

I probably ran for 20 minutes straight not wanting to look back. When I finally ran out of breath I arrived at a beach. Sitting down a log I started to catch my breath. As soon as I did I started bawling my eyes out, not caring who saw,I just did.

After about 10 minutes of crying I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I shot up and fell backwards onto the sand. When I looked up to see who it was, I almost screamed. Right in front of me was Cody Robert Simpson.

"Sorry, are you okay" he asked with his accent.

"Not really" I replied before standing up.

"Well, I heard crying and wanted to see what happened. You know it's almost 10 o'clock, it's almost dark" he told me.

"Oh yeah, I just realized that. I guess I better go" I said whipping my eyes and heading for my bag.

"Where to"he asked.

"Uh, I don't know" I responded about to start crying.

"Why not? It's not like you don't have a family...right?" He told me while putting his hands in his pockets and stepping closer.

"Not really" I mumbled kicking a shell.

"What happened" he questioned.

"I ran away" I told him. His eyes got big.

"But why"

"I guess you don't see my face... My mom gets drunk everyday and starts hurting me. Tonight she was gonna hurt me super I decided to run away" I explained. Cody stayed silent. "I'll leave you to go back to your awesome life" I turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait" I heard Cody yell. I turned around and saw him run up to me.

"I don't wanna bother you, you have more important things to do" I sniffled.

" parents are away for two weeks in Australia, I was wondering if you wanted to stay the night" he sweetly told me. I felt the tears coming back.

"I don't wanna interrupt your career Cody. You don't need all my drama in your life" I shook my head.

"Don't worry.."


"Don't worry Melody, I'm off for a few weeks" he told me. "And it's fine I can face drama"

"But you don't have to do this for me"

"Stop arguing and let's go" he smiled before grabbing me by the hand and dragging me up to his house.

This outta be interesting...

*what do you guys think!?*

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