background information

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Okay so the thespian festival is a big two day event where there are workshops and competitions for (you guessed it) thespians (theater people)

Anyway the workshops range from swing dance to special effects and within the many workshops there is one called The Breath Of Life. If you ever get the chance to go to this take it.

Breath Of Life is a stress coping workshop. And that is all it says in the folder.

Anyway last year was my first year and I had no I idea what was going to happen.

The man running it told us a little bit about himself and what he did. This includes him and his dog, who is his only family, going to the hospital to visit with the kids who have cancer, AIDs and other horrible things that they might not survive. They get to pet the dog and be happy. And sometimes the kids are there one Saturday and gone the next..

After his life story I (being an emotional person) was in tears.

Then we did the activity.

We had a partner whom we didn't know and first we just looked into their eyes. Now this sounds easy but it isn't. Especially when you are a mess.

After looking into their eyes we reached out and held hands. Still making full eye contact.

Then finally we hugged each other. And held on. Holding another person together while they hold you together. Feeling their pain and then feeling yours. Understanding that you are holding another human being in your arms.

It's amazing.

Then you let go and go back to your seat to await further instruction.

Simply close your eyes and relax.

Deep breaths.

Then we were told to let go of everything.

All the people who hurt us.

Everything that was bad in your life.

Your guilt.


Now when letting go people let go in different ways.

Some people are relaxed and at peace. Others are neutral. Then there are people like me who cry.

I let go.

I didn't stop crying for about 3-4 hours.

And that was my first year.

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