4: Reason

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(Media picture of Freddie)


Katana POV:

"Why would he go to a place he know he'll die?" Freddie asks.

"I don't know, but it has to be for a reason, there's always a reason for everything he does." I stress.

"Maybe I should go get him." Axle says stopping me from exiting the room.

"What the hell!? You don't know him like I do, so move." But he didn't move, he didn't move a muscle. "Axle, I know you want him dead, but considering how you're going to let him go out, you're a wuss." I spat.

"I meant you shouldn't go alone." Axle growled.

"Okay, then Freddie can come with me." I shrug.

"No, I'm going with you." Axle said absolute.

"Hey, hey, hey! I think I like my girlfriends idea way better than yours." Freddie argued.

"Shut the hell up." Axle growled.

"What if I want to shut down?" I looked at Freddie and I couldn't help but smile.

"I finally straightened up, I don't care who comes, I just need to get my friend."

I walked right by Axle without a glance and ran out side. I started climbing a tree to see how far up ahead Isaac has gotten, but he was out of sight. "Where did she go?" Freddie said.

I was about to answer but, "To her pack." Axle answered.

"Ya, but she followed Isaac, where is she?" Freddie stressed.

"She didn't follow Isaac. Isaac would never go back there, not even for Katana."

"What did you do?" Freddie growled.

"I sent her on a wild goose chase, except this one has a end, and spoil alert she's dies."

"Then where's Isaac?"

"On his regular midnight walk."

"Katanas my girlfriend."

"Really? You and I both know you started dating Katana to make Isaac mad, to make him work harder."

"That's how it started, but then I started to actually like her."

"But does she know that?"

I do now. "No, but... why?"

"She's a distraction to everyone in that house except for Dana, she's only competition. She had to go."

"But what happened to yelling at someone they had to leave." Freddie argued, but he seemed more curious than he did concern.

"Then Isaac would leave with her, no doubt our new recruits would follow her."

"So you killed her off of jealousy?"

"No ... she had to go. She's a leader, but she's going to die before she realizes it."

"And what will you tell Isaac when he returns?"

"She ran away."

"He will never believe it."

"Never say never."

"So now you're quoting Justin Bieber?"

"No, I just said, never say never."

"But you just said never twice."

"He will believe me, if there's proof."

"You're so fucking dumb." Freddie says.

"No, I'm smart, she's dumb."

I believe I heard enough, and I jump down from the tree. "Who's the dummy now?" I ask.

Freddie looked scared, and Axle looked shocked. "H-how much did you hear?" Freddie stuttered.

"Everything." I growl.

"I was going to wait b-" I gave Freddie a high kick to the face, switching past his getting to Axle.
They messed with the wrong girl.

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