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Laughter surrounded the table, some of it mine. I would be lying if I said Fred and George aren't funny. "Enough, get ready you lot or you'll be late." My twin grabbed my arm and dragged me from the table.

"Try not to get in the way this year, yeah?" I nodded, Ron's only reason for not being forgotten was that he was Harry Potter's best mate and he always worries I will some how out do him. I know he loves me and that he's just not good at showing emotions but sometimes I just want a hug. I smiled at Harry as he went into Ron's room and I entered mine and Ginny's room Hermione right next to me. We were civil but far from friends. Hermione in my opinion was to attached to the muggle way of life, I don't hate muggle-borns but I'm not fond of muggles themselves, I believe they are below us but I cannot say that for my family would be furious. I walked over to my trunk folding my new clothes. I had gotten a job over the summer and spent the money one new supplies and clothes so that not everything I owned was second hand. I think I offended my parents but, I frankly don't care.

I check my appearance in the mirror, my red hair was unruly in its messy curls, I grabbed a green beanie in an attempt to contain my main, it slouched and looked cute but did little for my hair, I sprayed some products on my hair until it look slightly calmer through the curls were still messy. Sometimes I envy Ginny's pin straight hair but I love mine despite the curls, it was incredibly long. I adjust my baggy, see through sweater that was long so that you could hardly see my cut off shorts underneath, I had an army green crop top on under the sweat and if you watched when I turned you could see the paleness of my stomach though my sweater. I rolled my sleeves up to my elbows and laced up my grey combat boots that had a chunky heal. I smiled at myself in the mirror my blue eyes outlined by thin black eye liner and my soft pink lips. I smiled once more before grabbing my trunk and heading down stairs.

My mother took one look at my appearance and look appalled, I was showing to much skin for her taste, the shorts were rather, well, short. She told me to change but when she noticed that time she said to forget it.

I held my fathers hand as he apparated Fred and I, George and Ginny went with our mother while the other three used the floo network. I smiled at the squeezing sensation, I'm not sure why but I loved the way apparation felt. Once both feet were planted on the ground I kissed my fathers cheek then my mothers and hurried to the train. I was almost there when I bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry." I apologized to Draco Malfoy who was looking me up and down trying to figure out who I was.

"Who are you?" He asked clearly puzzled. "You look like a Weasel but you're dressed better." I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm Roxanne Weasely, Ronald's twin." He seemed to remember me then and nodded.

"Watch were you are going next to Weasel." I nod before walking past, personally I didn't think being called a Weasel was that bad of an insult, they are incredibly clever creatures, and pretty cute. I found an empty compartment and waited for others to come join me.

"Roxy!" I was tackled by a black mop, I spat thick black curls out of my mouth as the mop moved back.

"Hi Ella!" I chuckled at one of my two best friends. "Where Erin?" I looked around for the familiar blonde.

"She's with some boy, I think he's a Hufflepuff." I laughed. Erin was a stunner and constantly had a boy on her arm. Erin sadly has self confidence issues so she never allowed a boy to get to close to her because she's afraid they will break her heart, instead she's slept with more boys at age 14 than I've dated, mind you I've never had a boyfriend. Anyway her count is at 3 now I think. After she get what she wants she ends it then cries about how no one will ever love her. Erin has dated at least one guy from every house besides Slytherin because her family is considered blood traitors so they don't give her the time of day.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked Arabella, or Ella.

"2 weeks. I think she may actually like him." I was shocked but figure in a few days Erin would move on. Ella and I caught up on what happened over our summer break until we heard yelling from outside. I recognized Erin's voice and shoot Ella a knowing look. We opened the compartment door and looked down the hall to see Erin arguing with her latest boy toy.

"Why didn't you stand up for me?" She screamed tears streaming down her face. I gave Ella a look and she ran off to go find the trolly so we would have chocolate when this was over. I walked over to Erin.

"Calm down." I said gently pulling my other best friend into a hug. "Now what happened?"

"We-" Sob "Were sitting with Carl's friends and they started to tease me calling me a- a" Sob "slut." She began to sob into my shoulder for a moment before continuing on. "Then Carl just laughed, he- he didn't even st-stand up for me."

"It's not my fault you dress like that." His comment made my blood boil. I saw Erin's heartbroken look.

"I'll handle this okay?" She nodded still hiccuping, Ella gently takes her back to our compartment. "So if a girl dresses a certain way you can treat her like filth?" I ignored the students watching the entire event.

"Well yeah, they're asking for it."

"So if a girl is leaving the club in a short skirt and some guy forces himself on her, he did nothing wrong because she 'asked for it'?" Realizing his mistake Carl begins to stutter trying to get himself out of trouble. "Do everyone a favor Carl and grow up. Asshole." I turned and walked back to my compartment, I had won and now had a friend to comfort. This wasn't a new sight to anyone, Erin was always having her heart broken and Ella or I would be there confronting the guy before anyone had time to register that Erin and him had broken up. I walked into our compartment to see Erin eating multiple candies. I sighed and pulled her into my side so that her head was resting on my shoulder and Ella gave her candies which she shoved into her mouth. Once we were close to Hogwarts we all changed into our robes our Gryffindor colors shown proudly, besides for Ella who was a Ravenclaw. When the train stopped we got off together sticking close. Along the way we ran into Luna Lovegood who stayed with us as we got into a carriage, once the carriage started to move I noticed a pale blonde boy watching me leave.

Odd Man Outजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें