The Beach Wanderer.

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Not quite sure what inspired this... I guess I'm just in a not-so-cheerful mood, huh?

The tears that fall,

They mean nothing at all.

Not all the tears in the world

Could save me. 

The simple seduction,

That leads to corruption,

Is easy to fall for

You see. 

I will tell my tale,

Before my heart starts to wail

And what horrors will be,

Will be. 

And I am swept away,

In this very same day,

With all the force of the

Deep, dark sea.

T'was a regular night,

In the summer bright,

And I was alone,

In my own company.

Down at the beach,

Where the waves try to reach,

And to lap at my ankles

Most earnestly.

When all of a sudden,

And without pardon,

I heard a high voice 

Calling out to me.

"Come closer" said it,

And so I did sit,

Down on the sand

In light curiosity.

Laughter was sound,

Seemingly all around,

At the place were I sat,

By the sea. 

"Please" said the voice, 

And I had no choice,

But to tread into the water,

So foolishly.

And when my knees gave,

I slipped under a wave,

It was then I 

Could realise finally.

It was not just any thing,

That made my heart sing,

And cloud up my head

So entirely.

For t'was a creature

That was such a clincher

To have drawn me in,

So easily. 

With long golden hair,

And her pale skin bare,

Aside from shells

And a pearl white key.

Not to forget,

This maiden I met,

Had a  jade tail

As an accessory. 

And how lovely was she,

The girl of the sea,

With her fuchsia eyes,

Oh, so pretty.

And such a lovely face,

As I entered her embrace,

In ignorance,

Neglecting to see.

That all that while,

Within her sweet smile,

Were a pair of fangs

Awaiting me.

And the key on her neck,

I hadn't bothered to check,

Was not truly metal,

No siree.

It was a strange shade,

And oddly made,

But of bone, 

It could only be. 

And eyes that seemed pink,

And never did blink,

Were as red as the blood

Escaping me. 

The bite under my chin,

A reminder of my sin.

Of my shameful desires

And of acting so foolishly. 

So heed my warning,

If the sea comes calling

To you,

On a summer evening. 

Make sure to stand,

And run from the sand,

To avoid sharing

The same fate as me. 

The Beach Wanderer.Where stories live. Discover now