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Hi there! Thanks for stumbling upon my book! I am obbsessed with editing photos and making collages. I have several photos edited and ready to go right now. They are all photos that go with some fanfictions I am writing but the stories will not be posted, only the covers. I edit and make covers for fun practically everyday, and I hope you enjoy them.
While you can view my photos whenever you choose, there are rules.
Rule #1: My photos are for viewing only. If you wish to take one (this includes screen-shotting), you MUST ask me and get permission. No exceptions.
Rule #2: If I let you take the photo and you would like to post it somewhere or put it in one of your books, you MUST give me full credit. No exceptions.
Rule #3: Do NOT take the titles of my stories and use it as your own. No exceptions.
Rule #5: Do NOT use my photos as covers for your books. Do not even ask me if you can. No exceptions.
Follow these rules and respect my work, and we won't have a problem.
To be fair, I will tell you if a photo I edited is from the Internet, and if I can, I will give the original source of the photo to give them credit. I will not take photos from the Internet without giving credit. Just like I want to be respected, I will respect them.
Later on, I will be taking requests for book covers. But for now, requests are not accepted.
The photo I used for the cover is from the Internet. I give full credit to the owner. I want to be fair. I want to be respected, so I must respect them.
Thank you and happy viewing.
Sierra 📷

Photos and EditsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz