Never Alone

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It was finally thanksgiving! You always looked forward to this day because it was the only day that you could get your family together. All of the other days of the year besides any other holiday were just booked. Thanksgiving was just special to you, though. You needed a break from everyday life.
You lived alone in your little house, and you didn't know anyone in your town except for your boyfriend Brian Quinn. He wasn't supposed to come over today because you didn't think your family was ready to find out about him yet. As sad as it made you both, it was the decision.
Your house smelled of the sweet pie in the oven and the spices emanating from the stove.
Everything was just organized perfectly and your family was supposed to arrive today.
All of sudden your phone rings, and it's only early in the morning, you weren't expecting a call now. It was your mother. You knew it was the worst news that you could imagine today.
"The flight was cancelled."
You didn't really know what to do at this point because you didn't have any other plan B or options for today. Brian probably made his own plans with friends or something last minute. It wouldn't hurt to text him though, just to see how he was doing. You missed him more than anything at the moment.
Hey Q I miss you....guess I'm gonna be alone this thanksgiving...hope you're going to have a good day(: I love you

A couple hours of moping in bed went by and you started to just feel really alone and sad.
Your phone lit up with a new message from Brian.
Im so sorry baby I was poor princess can't be alone. I love you

He kind of just left the door open and you didn't really know what he meant. It wasn't really helping. At least he texted.

It was about 5pm and the doorbell rang. It couldn't be.
You opened the door to a beaming Q who picked you up off of your feet.
"BABY I GET TO SEE YOU TODAY! And boy, am I hungry..." He winked at you and you could just see he was glowing.
His glee was infecting you and you couldn't help but completely forget about your wrecked plans.
Brian entered your house and quickly put on some music and started setting the table.
"Q, let me-"
"No, princess. You worked hard enough. This is all on me." He smiled enthusiastically and was determined to make everything look perfect for you guys.
You couldn't help but watch him from the counter and admire his beauty. Him knowing exactly how to treat you.
After a few minutes he said "Ready!" in the cutest voice and summoned you back into the kitchen.
The lights were dim, there were roses in the center of the table, and he even put up some sparkling lights that looked like crystals.
"Brian it's just beautiful...." You said almost speechless. You wanted to cry but you held it together but he obviously saw the tears welling up in your eyes so he went over to you and embraced you tightly. He was so warm and smelled so clean. His body was soft, yet firm at the same time and you couldn't help but listen to his heartbeat.
"Come on princess, let's eat." He said as he pulled out a chair for you.

After you both had decided that you were finished you went over to the couch. He sat down first and gently grabbed your waist and pulled you down into his lap. You felt his warm breath on your skin as he kissed you lovingly up your neck to your jaw giving you chills.
"I love you, baby." He whispered in a husky voice near your ear.
You held his hand which was so soft and warm and turned around to face him and give him a kiss.
His lips were sweet and gentle just like him.
"I love you too, Brian." You whispered back, lips almost touching.
"Like, I said... You can't be alone." He reached over to turn out the light, and kissed you back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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