The One Thing/Suicide Club- introduction

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You know how in books and movies a person has that one thing? Like that depressed girl with the abusive father, puts all her pain into singing. Or the boy that lost his girlfriend, focuses on writing. Yeah, those books and movies, lie. We don't have that "one thing" that makes us special, and if we do it's taken to make someone else feel better about themselves, leaving you lonely and destroyed. The suicide club is something different, it's no ones "one thing" because other people are in it, but it is the one thing to the group of depressed kids at the Golden Arm's Hospital. Most of these kids seem normal, a few maybe mute or show their cuts with pride, but they look like normal kids you'd see at their school. I'm one of those kids you'd see at those schools. Who am I? Alex Isan Damsel, and I'm mute...

Okay this is short, but I'm so excited to write this.

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