Chapter 1 New house means New life

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Chapter 1 New house means new life

He got out of the car and looked at the house with disgust. He never wanted to leave Oregon and move to California. Malikai was 15 years old and is 5'6" with blue eyes that had a tint of purple. He had hair that was green and looked like it has never even been brushed. He has slightly pointed teeth and a scar below his right eye. He was wearing blue jeans, a black jacket that wasn't zipped that showed his Attack on Titan shirt and, black and red nikes.

 "Malikai! Come on," said a voice that made Malikai turn around instead of looking at the disgusting house. "Alright Ash, i'm coming." Malikai said while walking towards his little brother with a slight smile.

 Ash was 9 years old and is 4'7" with forests green eyes that were filled with joy, with his short light brown hair. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt that matched his black jeans, and was wearing blue and black converse. 

"Let's get our stuff and pick a big room. Ok?" Malikai stated while grabbing his bags from the car. Ash nodded and went over to the car to take his stuff out. The two brothers then proceeded to walk into their new home with their parents standing by the doorway waiting for them. "Oh, this is so exciting!" his mother squealed.

 Malikai's smile then disappeared then turned into a frown by his mother. Malikai disliked no, HATED, his parents. His parents were the complete opposite, they were always so happy unlike malikia who was usually gloomy and quiet.

 "How is THIS so exciting? It's just a house." Malikai hissed with a scowl on his face. "Now now Malikai, this is a new start. You should be happy about this." his father said with a sympathetic smile. "Do you want me to be happy?" He asked with a tone of irritation, "Of course we do," answered his mother. "Then take me back to Oregon." Malikai said while crossing his arms. 

His parents sighed not knowing what to do with their first born child. Ash then grabbed his brother's arm to release the tension that was filling the air. "Come on big brother, let's go explore the house just like you said!" Ash said while pulling his brother's arm into the house with a smile. Malikai then dropped his irritation that he had for his parents not to long ago, and put on a loving and happy smile.

 The two parents watched their children going inside the house, then looking at each other. "What are we going to do with him, George?" The mother asked her husband, "I don't know Alexa, I don't know." he replied while giving her a hug. 

Meanwhile while the parents were hugging Malikai and Ash were observing the house inch by inch. "Where do you want to look first Ash?" Malikai said taking a glance down at his brother. Ash shrugged his shrugged his shoulders then looked up at Malikai's blue and purple orbs that were filled with curiosity. 

"I don't know. Can we check upstairs?" The youngest brother said with excitement. Malikai then gave his brother a nod with a closed smile that were showing his slightly pointed teeth. The boys headed upstairs and looked at the front door seeing that their parents were outside still talking. Malikai groaned in irritation seeing that his parents are still outside.

  'For ONCE, I want my parents to actually take responsibility. One time! is that to much ask!?' He thought with slight anger. "ARE YOU GOING TO SLEEP IN HOUSE TONIGHT! IF NOT THEN LEAVE YOUR BAGS IN THE CAR!" he yelled at his parents who stopped talking and looked at him. They started walking towards the house and Malikai went back inside to see his brother not in sight. "Ash?" He said with a tint of worry while looking around. Silence was all that was heard throughout the house, not a single noise only the sound of his own breath. 

"ASH!" He yelled getting more worried by the second. Malikai then heard the sound of running footsteps coming from upstairs. "Malikai! The upstairs rooms are HUGE!" Ash said while running down the stairs then grabbing his brother's arm and trying to drag him. Malikai gave out a slight chuckle seeing his brother trying to pull him up the stairs. Ash gave a dramatic sigh and fell to the ground purposely painting. Malikai then let out a sigh and started to carry Ash up the stairs. As soon as the brothers reached the top of the stairs, the youngest child let out a yawn, 

"that tired are we?" Malikai said with a teasing smile, "N-no," Ash protested before giving out a louder yawn that escaped his lips. "Ok yeah maybe i'm tired," Ash said in defeat, he then put his head on his brother's shoulder before hearing a small snore. "Might as well find us a room." Malikai sighed and said to no one in particular. He looked at the end of the halls to see a room slightly open which was filed with light. Malikai raised an eyebrow curious to see why the room was open. He walked into the room, slowly opening the door, and to his surprise was his and his brothers stuff. 

Malikai was a tad surprised to see his stuff in the room along with two queen sized beds. he looked around the room to see that it was a large room to fit all of their stuff. Malikai went over to one of the queen sized beds and gently placed Ash. The oldest brother took of his younger brothers shoes and placed a fairly large blanket. Ash then snuggled up in the blanket with a little smile. Malikai took off his shoes, then turned off the light and grabbed his 'Hetalia' blanket and proceeded to cover himself. 'This move better be worth it,' he thought to himself, he then gave the room one last look, while slowly closing his eyes.


Hey! Thats all for the first chapter I hope you liked it

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