{ONE} Well that wasn't weird at all

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I groaned and took out my earbuds. "Yes Mr.Oldman?" I asked, trying my best not to let irritation take control of my voice.

"Why is Reflection in the trash?! You can't just throw away Fifth Harmony like they're nothing!" He screeched and placed the shitty album back on the shelves.

I rolled my eyes. "But Mr.Oldman, they are trash. Have you seen the way the coordinate their outfits for award shows?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He sent me a death glare and stormed over to where I was lounging.

"Excuse me Mr.Clifford? You have no right to say that about them! They are young, smart, talented, beautiful women who are huge inspirations to a lot of people in the world! I swear to god Clifford, if you're trying to keep your job, you're doing a shitty job of it!" He screamed, pointing a finger at me.

"Got it sir." I smirked, rolling my eyes again. He shot me one more glare before storming off.

I chuckled and looked up at where he was just standing, my eyes locking with someone else's this time.

I stared deeply into those almond coloured eyes. There was something about them that captured me, making me unable to look away.

A sudden sneeze made me snap out of my thoughts.

"Umm, hi." He spoke up.

"Hey." I replied, examining him. He was wearing black, ripped skinnies and a Nirvana t-shirt with a shit ton of holes. His curly hair was slightly hanging down onto his face.

"I was looking for new music recommendations and I was hoping someone here could help?" The mysterious boy asked.

I felt myself smirk. "Ever heard of a band called All Time Low?" I asked and strode over to where all our good music dwells.

"I have but I've never really listened to them." He replied, following me to where I was looking through CDs.

Finding the album I wanted, I pulled it out and stuffed it into his hands. "Don't Panic. My favourite All Time Low album ever."

The asian looking guy turned over the CD in his hand. "Which song would you say is the best?" He asked, looking back up at me.

"Outlines. Definitely Outlines." I replied, almost instantly.

I'm not even sorry, Outlines is the best.

He nodded. "I'll take it." He said, shuffling his way back to the register, me trailing not too far behind.

I took the item from his hand and rang it out. "That'll be $13.99..." I trailed off, noticing he was staring intently at me.

I cleared my throat, bringing him back to reality.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked, seeming disoriented.

"That'll be $13.99." I repeated and placed the album into a small bag.

He handed me the money and I gave him the bag.

"Thanks." He smiled before walking out.

I sighed. That was so awkward.

Looking at my phone again, I shrugged.

Guess I'm going back to ATL.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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