Prodigy for your imagination

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*your sitting up stairs in ur master bedroom waiting on your hubby prod to come home your playing juicy by pretty ricky and you got it on repeat there are roses everywhere and candles lit*

Prod pov* cant wait to get home to my beautiful wife * He gets out the car and waits til he hears the car lock.He then unlocks the door when he hears the music a grin spreads across his face he quickly lock the three locks on the door nd run up stairs when he gets there his eyes nearly pop out his head*

P:: dammmmnnn Kayln

K:: you like papi i did it all for you

P:: back that ass up on conda

*you walk over to prod nd literially rip his shirt kissin and lickin all over his abs he brings you back up nd throws you on the bed while he strippin you down you whisper dirty things in his ear he blows out the candles and yall make Sweet love all night long you screamed his name so loud they heard you all across the neighbor they thought you was screaming bloody murder.*

¶Next Morning¶

Kayln *trying to get out of bedthen striaght falls on her face* oowwww dammint Prod.

Prod: *laughs in his sleep* yea daddy put it down

Kayln: shut up *crawls to bathroom and takes a nice hot long shower*

Prod: Babe hurry the fucm up i gotta piss

Kayln: Dont rush me niggah. i was done anyway *comes out the bathroom lotioned up hair in a bun. Put on some jordan sock footies with some shorts gray cardign and a red tank top* Im going to cook breakfast.

Prod: oka *He yells as he jumps in the shower*

°3O mintues later Prod finished his shower then got out putting on cargo shorts with a chicago bulls t-shirt and some red,black,and gray jordans°

Meanwhile Kayln was finishing breakfast Prod came downstairs and sat a the table. Kayln then set the plates down and they began to eat. It was silent but it was comfortable. They ate then cuddle on the couch watching t.v. All Kayln could think about was the amazing night she had before.

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