A dangerous life

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His eyes followed the blonde like lasers. She never left his line of sight- not once. He leapt across rooftops, her scent filling his nostrils. He saw everything about her- her hair, slightly tousled in the breeze; her eyes, bloodshot from drinking; her unsure feet in alien high heels; the alcohol, pulling her body this way and that.

He took a deep breath. He hated killing for food, but there was no way around it. His coven had tried- and failed- to find a way around it. So they chose carefully. The stragglers no one would miss. The drunks, the drug addicts, the homeless. Not one was of importance.

This woman, however, was not usual. She wasn't a drunk. She had been at a party in the evening, on a full moon of all nights. The humans knew nothing o werewolves- so she was dangerous. She had seen one transform. He knew she had- she ha come running around the corner, and threw herself at him crying: 'Did you see that? It-It-It CHANGED! To a MONSTER!'.

He had seen the wolf before. The wolves and the vampires were natural enemies, but coexisted peacefully. Until one of them broke the law. The biggest one to be broken (and most common one for beginning wars between species) was not to allow any human to know these monsters existed. NEVER. When someone did show themselves, however... No one waited for the council to sort things out. And the council would never interrupt a gang war. They valued their lives too much.

And so, to avoid a bloody war, Amyas had decided to take things into his own hands. Kill the girl. Stop more deaths. Hope no one noticed. The only person who would was Rivera. And she didn't want a war at all. So his secret was safe.

The woman turned into an alleyway. Perfect. Amyas jumped down, landing silently. Despite this, the blonde whipped around. She had been checking behind her every five seconds, and Amyas scolded himself for forgetting.

'You saw it, didn't you?' She gasped, pointing at him. He grinned, the tips of his white canines far too visible.

'See what?' He purred.

'You're one too!' She shrieked, turning to run. It was a dead end.

'It isn't allowed. I'm so sorry. Goodbye.' He lunged, but out of nowhere a young boy materialised before him.

'Mutt!' Amyas snarled. The boy was about 12- to young to be affected by the full moon.

'You can't kill her for no reason. That's why we have no quarrel with your coven!' The boy replied arrogantly.

'Move aside, dog. I'm trying to avoid war! She saw one of you transform!' The boy paled, but held his ground.

'I won't let you.' He said vehemently. Amyas grinned slyly.

'You can't stop me.' He said, cocking his head.

'I can't. But he can.' The young boy pointed behind Amyas, where a huge wolf-like creature was snarling and creeping forward on it's hind legs. It's fur was matted and black, and had blood shot eyes which were zoning in on the woman, who was shrieking and crying.

'I'm trying to end this!' Amyas roared, which was the wrong thing to do. The werewolf leapt at him, sinking his canines deep into the vampire's flesh. He snarled, scraping at the creature, tearing at it's back. It howled and jumped back, lowering down into a crouch. They circled each other, and Amyas ended up by the mouth of the alley.

That was first his mistake. The wolf bounded, not towards him, but at the woman, and killed her in less than ten seconds. That was it. Amyas charged at the werewolf, biting and clawing and snarling. The werewolf was twice his size. His second mistake.

No vampire could take on a fully-fledged werewolf on their own. Amyas' last thought was how stupid he had been, and how selfish to have started a gang war too.

The werewolf howled with glee, but the boy was horrified. His face was lined with pain, and the guilt of what he had done. Maybe, just maybe, if they got rid of the body soon enough-

The sun rose, and the werewolf morphed back into a human. The features shortened, and the hair receded back until it looked natural for a human. It took one glance at the vampire and woman, and smiled.

'Two less to worry about,' he said, flexing his arms.

'If they find out-' gasped the boy.

'Who? The bloodsuckers? They won't find out anything-'

'What won't we find out?' Came a sharp voice. The wolves turned to see two vampires appear in the shadows of the alley.

One was a female, with thick black hair that fell to her shoulders, and the typical beautiful vampire face. The male was handsome, too, and also had black hair which flick out just below his shoulders. The female looked at the dead vampire, and her lips curled back into a feral snarl. The male did the same, crouching low and eyeing the vampire too, checking to see if it was the truth. His whole face twisted into pure rage, and he lunged at the werewolf who murdered his kin. He would have had revenge, had the female not fastened her arms around his waist and held him back. He could have broken past, but she was obviously his mate, and he couldn't have hurt her if he tried.

At the sound of the snarl, a whole group of werewolves (in their human form) materialised and stood their ground by the two other wolves.

'You're defending him? After breaking the LAW?' Hissed the female.

'We defend our pack, no matter the costs!' The alpha male spoke, in a deep commanding voice.

'And we defend our coven,' came a girl's voice. About ten vampire had arrived, all inhumanly beautiful, and stood opposing the wolves.

'You're declaring out right war!' One of the female wolves, the alpha's mate, whispered.

'You started it!' The black haired female vampire replied.

'Rivera, please, you of all people should be able to see past this!' Cried the female werewolf.

'You defend the wolf who killed my kin. You have started a war. I will not forgive this. You should have more control over delinquents like that,' Rivera replied harshly.

'Then so be it,' growled the alpha. 'Just remember that you chose war-'

'We did nothing of the sort. We cannot forgive you killing one of us, especially when he was trying to prevent a war!' The male vampire spoke in a low, dangerous voice.

'How could you-'

'The boy.' The vampire gesture to the one who had witnessed the murder. 'Children always reveal the truth.' With that, he turned away, taking his mate's arm.

'Rotan-' she began.

'No. We will get our revenge.' She nodded, and disappeared with the rest of her coven into the shadows.

'This,' the alpha said mournfully, 'is very bad indeed.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2013 ⏰

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