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Chapter 1

"There she is!" My mum exclaimed. "Nikki Calazer." She beamed at me.

"That's the-" my uncle started but caught himself. "The beautiful young lady?" I nodded carefully as I made my way down the stairs.

I knew what he was talking about. I overheard my mum sometimes calling me a monster. I only had a special power. Invisibility.

"Clair, could we speak in the kitchen?" My uncle, Uncle Tony, asked. My mum nodded and strode to the kitchen with Uncle Tony following.

"So, 16 are we?" My auntie questioned. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. A lot of people were scared of me, so I didn't play the girly girl part.

"Yup," I answered as I plopped down on the couch. Auntie snatched my baby cousin, Liberty, from the floor. She clutched Liberty tightly.

"Still in high school?" Auntie asked while brushing the baby's hair.

"Of coarse," I answered.

"What's your future job?"

"Well, I would like to be a painter," I said, playing with my thumbs. I glanced up at her face for the first time. Dark curly auburn hair. Deep wrinkles. Bags under her eyes. Old.

She sat there shocked. She wasn't expected a painter, I guessed.

"I mean like, a real career," she smiled.

"So, you mean, a painter isn't a real job?" I growled. I could feel anger boiling up in me.

"No. It's a hobby," she challenged firmly. I totally lost it.

"OH YEAH?! AND WHAT'S YOUR CAREER?!" I shrieked. I could feel my face burning. Auntie's jaw dropped.

"I'm a full time mother," she smiled.

"BUT YOU DON'T GET PAID FOR IT, NOW DO YOU?!" I howled. She shook her head in defeat. "SO IT'S NOT REALLY A CAREER IS IT? IT'S A JOB." She nodded her head. I smirked a little but quickly hid it.

"You know how they say its not a problem if you see a spider, it's a problem if they disappear?" I asked calmly.

"Yea," she answered dryly. Afraid.

"Well, I'm that spider," I growled. I turned invisible and Aunties face went pale. All the blood drained from it. They all turned as pale as a ghost.

I crawled into the kitchen. Mum and Tony must've gone upstairs. I creeked open the pantry and snatched the ketchup fron the middle shelf. I crawled back into the living room. Auntie was franticly looking around. 

I popped open the ketchup bottle and aimed for her stomach. I took a deep breath quietly and squeezed the bottle. it exploded onto her stomach. She mustve thought she was bleeding or something because she raced to her purse and threw out bandages. She laid them on her stomach where the ketchup hit.

I guessed she screamed because Tony and mum flew down the stairs. 

"WHATS GOING ON!?" Tony bellowed. Mum's face turned tomato red.

"NIKKI LISA CALAZER!!" Mum shrilled. Man, i hated when she used my middle name. "WHERE ARE YOU!?" I reappeared.

"Yes?" I inquired sweetly and innocently. She narrowed her emerald eyes. They burned like fire. 

"Did you cut auntie's baby?!" She quizzed. I shot a puzzled look at auntie.

"Shes preganent?" I challenged. 

"YES!!" Tony yelled. Whoa, what?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2013 ⏰

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