Introduction to me

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Hi. I'm Hannah. I was diagnosed with type one diabetes in 2013. December 3rd, 2013. I also was diagnosed with anxiety and I have major panic attacks. I also cut myself. I have cut my thighs 4 times, and my wrist 5 times. Not a lot, but I wait for them to heal until I cut again because otherwise it will look suspicious at doctor visits. I used to be so happy, but now I find myself sad more than happy. I constantly think about suicide and am constantly in worry. I am very anxious all the time. One day at school, I got so scared to go to a class because I thought the teacher would yell at me, I ended up crying and shaking, and everything in between.. I had a panic attack. It was by far the worst one ever. It took pretty much the entire day to calm me down. I only went to 3 classes that day. I still have so many panic attacks, maybe 8 or 9 a week.. Even more usually. Just depends. I get really scared and anxious whenever I am left alone. But, I found this app that helps me calm down. I also do not like social events unless it is with my friends. Until the next chapter, friends! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2015 ⏰

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