Graduation Night (1 month before I left)

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    "Parker! Get out of bed it's already 9 o'clock in the morning!"
    Yay. This is fantastic. I get to wake up to the nagging voice of my step-mother, Mary, and have my eyes burned by the devil herself from opening my curtains. Mary is probably the most fake person that I have ever met. With her huge plastic boobs and hooker like make-up. I could cut into her make-up like a cake with a pound of frosting.
    "Parker Ella Stone. Do you hear me or am I going to have to teach you another lesson about waking up when I say so?"
    "Go away your making my ears bleed." Why is her voice so annoying? It sounds like a constant alarm clock, which I shouldn't be hearing because I just finished high school!
    "What was that? I couldn't here behind the the disrespect you just gave me. Wake up or I'm getting your father!"
    As you can tell she's really big on telling me to give her respect. I have never liked Mary because she always gets her way. Yea she's an adult, but a 45 year old woman still competing against 20 year-olds in beauty pageants? I think that's crazy and maybe she should focus on inner beauty more than outer beauty sometimes.
    "I'm getting up! Just close my door..." Of course... why not just slam my door. It's not like I didn't just ask you to not.
     Okay. Well if I get up now I won't have to hear her voice again and if I don't get up then "Mary-the-wambulance" will show up and who knows what will happen? Maybe my door will finally break from her constant slamming. I-I'll just get up now.
    I get up. Oops I meant to say *I just fell out of my very well working bed and on to my cold, wooden floor*. I pick my self up off the ground and slowly walk to the bathroom to hit that morning pee. As I begin to wash my face I look in the mirror. The bruises around my neck are a dark purple-green. The outline of his hands is so exact that it startles me. I turn around and there is a dark circle on my left shoulder blade. As I start to look up I notice a cut on my check bone. I begin to put soap on my cut, stinging every time my hand glides over it, trying to wash away the dry blood that covers half of my face. I should have never told Sailor about my full tuition to Vanderbilt University.
    Last night, my group of friends decided to have a party to celebrate making it through high school. All my friends knew about my college opportunities, except for Sailor. And after two to many beers I started making speeches about how beautiful Tennessee will be and that I couldn't have done it without all of my best friends.  The next thing I knew was that I was on the ground getting dragged by my hair outside. He swung my body forward like it was a lifeless doll. I tried to stand up and the second I did he threw me against his car bruising my left shoulder blade.
    "How many other secrets are you keeping from me Ella?" Sailor doesn't like to call me by my first name because he thinks it's a males name. "Huh? When were you going to tell me about this? Are you sleeping around with other guys? Being a dirty little whore like you are?" He then got on top of me and wrapped his hands around my neck. "You're not leaving me Ella! Never are you leaving me!" His vain above his eyebrow began to show and his brown eyes looked at me like he is going to kill me. I start gasping for air and as I did his grip would get tighter and tighter. He released me and stood up off of my body pacing around. I tried to speak but it hurt to much. "Ella, why didn't you me?" His voice is calm now like the sea. He then whiplashes are and I can see the tears rolling down his face and a blade in his hand. He starts to walk towards me very slowly. And tells me everything is okay like I'm a scared puppy. Then he pushes me against his car putting the knife to my neck. "If I can't have you then no one will!" He is now furious. He pushes the blade deeper and then I hear a clang and he slowly falls. He's knocked out cold on the snowy pavement. The knife missed my neck and glided across my face. After that, all I can remember is my friend Aubree telling me to run.
    "I'll take care of him now run! Parker run!"

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