The first and only part

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Authors note:
Hello, this is my first time publishing a fanfic, prepare yourself for pointless fluff, if you could tell me what you think that would be greatly appreciated

The ball slammed hard into the blocker's hands, and fell to the ground before anyone could reach it. The ball he had set. Again and again, the ball fell, out of reach even of Nishinoya. The match ended, they had lost. A buzzing filled his ears.
"Suga...Suga!" Alarmed, Suga glanced up, looking around before seeing a short dark haired boy standing over him. "You okay?"
"Daichi." Suga blinked, still feeling slightly tired. "Oh-yeah, I'm fine." He gave a short laugh, although it was a bit empty.
"I see." Daichi said. "Well, anyways, can you try and get Asahi to come to practice today? He hasn't shown up for a week."
Suga nodded. "Yeah." He said, giving a small nod. His eyes fell to the floor. It had been a week, a long week since they had lost the match. Asahi had refused to come to any practices since. Nishinoya had tried to get him to come to practice, but had somehow managed to get himself suspended in the process. One whole week, and he still hadn't talked to Asahi. One week since the ace had bowed low to the ground before them.
"Sorry." He had said. The only word Suga had heard him say in a week. Why was he sorry, it wasn't his fault. If only...If they had a good setter on their team, Asahi's spikes would've made it through. It was his fault, Asahi had nothing to be sorry for.
"Okay, thanks. See you at practice." His captain left the classroom, waving at him. Suga waved back.
"Yeah, bye." He smiled, before glancing back down at his work. He sighed, schoolwork is as stressful as always he thought to himself, before picking up his pencil and scratching out the answers.

The bell rang, and Suga picked up his school work before hurrying out of the classroom. "Excuse me!" He called out as he wove his way between chatting groups of students. There! He saw a tall third year with long brown hair drawn back into a tight bun. "Asahi!" Suga called, and the person turned around.
"Suga!" He said, almost like he was surprised to see him. Then, almost as if on instinct, he glanced down towards the ground.
"Asahi, are you coming to practice today?" Suga asked, trying to smile normally.
"No." The reply was hard, cold, and Asahi had yet to look up from the ground.
"But-if you don't practice, you won't be able to-"
"I'm quitting the team." Asahi said, almost emotionlessly.
Suga stood in shock. Quitting? But why? Asahi began to turn and walk away, and Suga had to try several times before his voice would work. "Why? Everyone else is trying hard so," Suga stumbled over his words, trying to find the right thing to say. "Isn't volleyball fun?"
Asahi glanced back over his shoulder. "It's not fun watching your hard work be destroyed while there's nothing you can do." He started walking again. "You should know, Suga." Suga stood there, unable to find the right words to say.
"Right, right!" The ball sailed from Suga's fingertips towards Tanaka, who was jumping on the right side of the net. Suga cringed, as the toss went slightly high. Tanaka's fingertips grazed the ball with just enough force to sail over the blockers onto the other side of the net. "Yes!" Tanaka pumped his fist while cheering energetically. Suga smiled.
"Good job." That was just luck. He tossed it too high. Again and again, he tossed it. That time it was to long, then too short. Then again, too high. "Damnit." Suga muttered under his breath. His body hurt, practice was as hard as ever.
"Alright." Daichi's voice rang out through the gym. "Practice is over."
"Thank you very much!" A chorus of voices rang out through the gym, Suga's among them, though his heart wasn't in it. As his teammates began to file out of the gym, he heard a familiar voice behind him.
"Suga." He turned around, Daichi was standing there. "What happened?" He asked.
"Asahi.." Suga glanced down. "He said he quit the team."
"I know." Daichi said, "You told us at the beginning of practice. I'm asking what happened with you." Suga glanced up.
"Wha-what do you mean?" He asked. Daichi took a deep breath, as if he had prepared some sort of long speech preparing for this.
"At practice today, you seemed really distracted. I figured something happened when you talked to Asahi." Although he tried to fight it, Suga could feel a lump forming in his throat.
"Sorry!" He bowed down. "I-this team is really strong but...I'm just holding you guys back. If I were a better setter..." Suga's voice cracked and broke, but he swallowed hard and continued. "If I were a better setter, we might have made it further. But I'm not." He could feel his eyes burning. "It's my fault Asahi kept getting blocked, none of this would've happened if I was good at my position. It's my fault that Asahi quit, it's my fault Nishinoya got suspended, it's my fault we lost, and I'm really sorry." Tears began to fall down his face, even though he tried hard to blink them away. Now he had done it. He had to go and open his mouth. He was afraid what Daichi would say, he didn't want to hear anything, but he didn't dare move his position because of everything that had happened because of his incompetence.
"Suga..." Daichi said, and Suga felt a warm hand on his shoulder. "Don't say that. We lost the match because we were weaker. But that doesn't mean we have to stay that way. I'm sure Asahi and Nishinoya are thinking similar thoughts actually. But it's not your fault. And what do you mean, if you were a better setter? I couldn't ask for anything more then you, Suga. Besides, sooner or later, we'll get new first years. Then, we'll go to nationals. I promise. Me, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Ennoshita, Narita, Kinoshita, even Asahi, and of course, you." Suga lifted his head up, an eradicate pattern of tears staining his cheeks. "Asahi will come back, just give him time so..." And Suga felt himself being pulled close, and embraced by Daichi's strong arms. "Let's work hard so we can go to nationals, okay?"
Suga carefully put his arms around Daichi as well, resting his head on Daichi's shoulder. "Yeah." He smiled and, for the first time in a week, it actually felt genuine.

Daisuga (Haikyuu!!) SorryWhere stories live. Discover now