Waking to action

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I suddenly wake up to a large crashing noise. Did something fall, was it my brother trying to cook breakfast, or was the dog looking for a snack. I walk out to the living room "I guess its not in here" I mumbled to myself. I walked across the house to the kitchen, just as I thought Eren was trying to make me breakfast. There's eggs all over the floor along with the pan.
"Eren what are you doing " I asked in a laughing matter.
"Heh I reached for the pepper and when my arm came back down I elbowed the frying pan and then you know." He said while rubbing the back of his head.
"I got it..." I said grabbing the mop.

~Later in the day...

Eren's POV

"Hey Armin how's everybody."

"Were good..." He replied "How are you and Mikasa."

"Great I exclaimed."

Armin started mumble an oddly about of stuff to him self the words I got were "Annie"... "Relationship"... And "At this age."
"What about this age." I had asked him
He said "Oh nothing you and Mikasa are just a little young to be living together alone... Don't you think.". "We are young I mean yea we have school still and all but see both of our parents died so we are trying to take care of each other with out moving across country from all our friends and from e-each other.
" I know y'all have a strong bond because you saved her life and all, but y'all are thirteen isn't that against the law."
"No we have to prove to the court of law we can handle it on our own I mean we have food and money and were thirteen and we both have weekend jobs and the incident happened at the age of nine."
"Well I am happy for you but I have to go I'm gonna be late for dinner it's already 6:30.

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