Normal Life

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Carl's POV
I wake up to the sweet smell of my moms cooking. I love her cooking. One of my favorite things in life is waking up to the smell of fresh food.
I get out of bed, it's 10:00. I walk downstairs and stop at the bottom, taking a big whiff of the greatness.
It's Saturday.
I walk over to my mom. "hmm What's for breakfast?" I ask her.
"Bacon and Pancakes" she replies.
I smile. "My favorite"
My dad was already at work. I hated how we barely had any time to be together other then the holidays.
But I got used to it a while ago. He's a sheriff at the King County Police Station. I always find it interesting when he comes home and I ask him how his day went. His day is never boring, it's always full of action.
I sit down at the table and play on my phone. Life always seems the same, nothing interesting ever happens. I just wish the world would change. There would be no more violence, no more drugs, and no more crime.
I sit at the table, eating my breakfast, wondering what the world would look like 50 years from now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2015 ⏰

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