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As the seemingly blaring decorations of green and red decorated the large house, that shone from the center-piece Christmas tree lighting, it seemed multiple people were sharing stories and among all-- food and gifts. It was just a holiday party, nothing more or less (though this could be wagered over, as snogging seemed to be popular around the place). At the main area of interest, the dining room, pastries including Pizzelle- an old favorite of Caesar's, and more from fruit layer and fig cakes, and to the biggest gift among the Italians of the house- food and dessert wines (most common being the digestifs), were being exchanged and displayed for all in the house. It was no doubt the blond partook in holidays with drinks, as it was a decently-held tradition. It almost felt of a break from ripple training at Air Supplena, giving his head rest despite the noise buzzing around him. As he sat in front of the dining table covered in all sorts of foods (through a potluck system, it seemed), to watch the guests, who he rarely ever talked with, a small man quickly shuffled to him quickly between guests, wearing a suit and bland (more like tacky) Christmas tie. In his hands was a decorated bag, a small tag upon a bow that was on it reading "Da noi, a voi. Buon Natale! (From us, to you. Merry Christmas!)". Caesar looked at him, smiling and reaching out a hand to shake.

"Caesar! So good to see you, here, from the family..." After the speedy so-called greeting from the short family friend, the rather portly bag soon laid in his hands. "Giuseppe Mascarello e Figlio Barolo Monprivato. Please, indulge, the pleasure's ours. Merry Christmas!" the man then walked off into the living room, pushing past people before Caesar could say a word of thanks. The blond stared at it, soon carefully opening the thick paper bag and sliding the bottle out by the neck. He read the label though soon felt a hand rest on his shoulder. "Wow, eh? Looks fancy." Joseph smiled, leaning over to look at the bottle with the Italian. "It is. Around ninety-four euros." he slid it back in, looking up over his shoulder at Jojo. "You seem pretty sober, aren't you celebrating at all?"

Jojo then chuckled, nodding, pulling a seat next to Caesar as a small bag swayed on his arm, littered in red bows, and small tags hung out of it. "Ah, so you're just waiting for when everyone's gone?" Caesar laughed. "Well, I like to just relax, not necessarily get energetic with drinking. Bad things like--" he was cut off by a burst of laughter. Of course, Caesar remembered the incident of Joseph when he tried 'partying drunk'. "Don't say anything else, I'll gag from laughing," his cheeks bloomed pink as he was doubling over in a fit of chuckles, soon wiping his eyes of tears. Was it that funny? Jojo thought with a smile- it was still a blur to him. He didn't remember even half of what happened, which only proved more that he didn't want to be in public, wasted. "Exactly why I won't drink around you, either," Joseph teased with a grin.

"Hey, secret's safe with me," he smirked, setting the bag of wine next to his chair leg. Caesar was enjoying himself now, having the brunet sit next to him and chat. "So what was that anyway? And who was the guy? He was short." Jojo nearly snorted. Caesar crossed his arms, looking at the table in front of them as he spoke low. "Its a wine that is typically given a lot on Christmas in Italy. Fancy and in the American currency, comes to roughly a hundred dollars. And that man's a family friend, but I don't remember him even by face or name. Doesn't mean I won't take the bottle though." he laughed quietly, looking over at him. Jojo was pale compared to a drunk flush, definitely not lying about what he'd said about waiting to drink. "What's the matter?" Joseph looked at him with furrowed brows, noticing how Caesar was staring and looking all over his own face; his features. However, right now, Caesar reached in front of him and grabbed a petite glass to break the stare and to keep from embarrassment. He did have deep interest in Jojo, though that wouldn't be conversed as the both came off as senza dubbio dritto, or "unmistakably/undoubtedly straight". Caesar then went further to grab a thin bottle of a liqueur that was heavy of raspberries. It was nice, soothing really- and could easily satisfy a sweet tooth on the holiday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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