Remember The First

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Remember The First time you were shy ?
Too shy to make new friends.
Remember The First time you made the wrong decision ?
Well of course you don't.
We choose to remember what we want to remember.
Other times, we have no choice.

Remember The First time you thought that everything was going to be a "no worry" situation?
Well guess what.
We have no choice but to worry in our everyday live situations.
We pray, and we hope,
That nothing unexpected happens. Again.
Remember The First time you thought that it was going to be a good day ?
Surprise, Surprise.
Technically, it's no surprise that this world is crucial.
Do you
Remember The First
climacteric moment this world has had ? For you ?
Of course you don't.
Who does ?
We chose to remember what we want
to remember.
Other times, we have no choice but to
Remember The First.

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