prologue part 1

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June's P.O.V.
I'm walking in a beautiful garden, watching and touching those beautiful roses and so many different types of flowers.......
Someone comes from behind me and I feel two very big muscular arms wrap around my big round plump belly? Woah! Wait big, round and plump belly? Hmmmm...... oh yes I forgot to tell you that I'm pregnant oh not just pregnant but seven months pregnant. Well back to the point I turn around in those two arms who are giving me little electric shocks to meet with a very passionate and loving kiss......
I can feel so many emotions passing through between both of us, I can feel love, passion, care, longing and what not. We pulled apart from each other slowly, I'm trying to take some proper breaths but too bad when trying so I look up to see two shining dark midnight blue eyes looking at me in what? love? No, adoration? Nah.... then what's that? Oh now I know it's pure hate... Why? I don't know, but to be honest I'm scared very bad, he started walking towards me slowly in predatory way and that's when ladies and gentlemen I turned around and started running, I'm running so hard that my legs started to ache, they hurting so badly. I can feel myself running through a very deep forest, I can feel his hot breath on my neck and I panicked and tried to run fast but I can't run any faster.
I don't know how long I'm running but I can say I can't feel anything just simply unbearable pain going through my body, every bone in my body is hurting so bad I don't know why is this happening. WHY? That's what I'm thinking. But sadly I don't know why and can't ask that to the monster behind me. Yes when I looked back to see how far he is away from me, that's when I saw a beast pure black on his hind legs or paws, his sharp canines, pure black fur on his body, I can hear his animalistic growls but I can also see those dark midnight blue eyes which I love so dearly but at the same time I'm so scared of them. And that was enough for me to run faster and faster, I wasn't afraid for myself....... I was afraid for the baby which I'm carrying, his baby..... our baby.
I was thinking about all the possibilities why is this happening, I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't notice the small root of some tree that was peeking through the forest ground and I fell so hard but thank god I fell on my side not on my tummy. I tried to get up but no luck my side started hurting for a moment I thought of giving up but I know I can't and that's why I tried to get up again and I was making some progress in that but luck again was not on my side before I can get up I feel a huge a very huge body land front of me, his body he was in crouching position and I scream so loudly that I felt my lungs hurting, he growled more loudly if showing who's the boss.... I watched him growling and snarling at me, I was so scared I didn't know what to do but some how I asked one thing I wanted to know and that is why? I keep saying why again and again but I got only snarls and growls in return, I was getting tired of everything.
And unexpected something happened he lunged at me........

To be continued.........

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