Starbucks Date

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(Ryland's POV)
I walked into the kitchen. It was December 1st so of course the house was filled with decorations and lights. In the kitchen was all my brothers: Riker,Rocky and Ross, my sister: Rydel, my mom: Stormie and my dad: Mark. Lights were hung all around the cupboards and the smell of cookies filled the air. Rydel and my Mom was baking while my brothers and my dad sat at the table talking. I sat down at the table.

Stormie- Oh Ryland?
Ryland- Yeah?
Stormie- Are you doing anything tonight?
Ryland- No, I don't think so
Stormie- Well you are now, you have a date
Ryland- Pretty sure I don't Mom
Stormie- Oh but you do, do you remember my friend, Susanne?
Ryland- Rich, Snobby and hates me? Yeah course, couldn't forget her
Stormie- She's not snobby and she doesn't hate you anymore, in fact it was her idea to set you up on a date with her daughter
Ryland- What..Kacie?
Stormie- Yeah
Ryland- Why?
Stormie- because apparently Kacie likes you and you have too admit she isn't that bad
Ryland-(scoffs) well I admit she is cute I guess
Stormie- You guess?
Ryland- Fine she's hot but do I have to go on this date?
Rydel- Ryland, she's rich, hot, funny, kind, caring
Ryland- Alright! I get it
Stormie- And yes you do
Ryland- Fine
Stormie- Good boy now go get changed, Kacie's fancy and well dressed and also your meeting her in Starbucks in an hour

I sighed and stood up walking out of the kitchen. I heard my Mom shout after me.

Stormie- You'll enjoy yourself I promise
Ryland- Whatever

I shouted back and then walked upstairs into the bedroom. 45 minutes later I was ready wearing Jeans and a top with a winter coat and black converse. I sorted my hair out and ran downstairs where my Mom was waiting at the door.

Stormie- Oh you look good and presentable
Ryland- Thank you
Stormie- Now get going and have fun
Ryland- Alright I will

Then I walked out of the door and walked the next 15 minutes to Starbucks. Exactly on time. I walked inside to see Kacie sat at a small two person table beside the table. She was just as beautiful as always. She wore Black jeans, a plaid top with a few buttons undone, a black leather jacket which was hung on the chair behind her and her long blonde hair was straightened down past her shoulders. I smiled and walked over sitting down in front of her.

Kacie- Hi!
Ryland- Hi! Sorry if I'm a bit late
Kacie- Oh no it's fine, I ordered you a Caramel Cream Frappuchino with cream on top
Ryland- You remembered
Kacie- How could I forget? It's all you ever had when we were younger back in Colorado, it was like an obsession

We both started laughing.

Ryland- Well thanks anyway
Kacie- Your welcome

I took my jacket off and leant my arms on the table leaning forward.

Ryland- So where do you live now?
Kacie- LA but my family has houses everywhere all around the world
Ryland- How come?
Kacie- Well, my parents do a lot of travelling so they bought houses everywhere so they have somewhere to stay
Ryland- Oh ok so where are some places they have houses?
Kacie- Paris, New York, London, Hawaii, Morroco, Australia, Russia, China..and I could go on because it basically is everywhere
Ryland- How do they afford all the houses though?
Kacie- My family is one of the richest in the world so..
Ryland- Oh cool

I had a drink of my frappuchino and put it down before looking over at Kacie who was now looking out of the window at the lights, the snow and the people. I smiled and she turned her head and caught me staring at her. She looked confused as I looked away awkwardly.

Ryland- Sorry
Kacie- Its ok but just wondering why?
Ryland- No its just your so beautiful
Kacie- Well you certainly know how to play your cards on a date huh?

We both started laughing again.

Ryland- No but I mean it, your a lot prettier than 3 years ago
Kacie- Prettier? I'm not 8

That made us both start laughing again.

Kacie- But thanks your good at compliments
Ryland- Thanks it's my speciality babe
Kacie- Ok but don't get cheeky
Ryland-(laughs) alright, alright

Then we just sat and talked for about 2 hours talking about our families, our lives and everything thats happened since we had last seen each other. We knew each other already, I basically grew up with her because our Mom's are best friends. After them couple of hours we decided to go for a walk so we payed and walked out of Starbucks into the cold, fresh air. The streets were packed and busy but we stepped out onto the street and walked linked arm in arm.

Ryland- So where do you want to go?
Kacie- The park?
Ryland- The park? I thought we weren't 8

She laughed making me laugh and smacked my arm playfully.

Kacie- C'mon it'll be fun
Ryland- Alright then

Then we walked to the park and we walked around the park for a while. We walked around the lake and watched the ducks before sitting down under a tree talking and laughing for a while.

Kacie- Thank you for this date Ryland
Ryland- Don't thank me, I didn't set it up, thank your Mom
Kacie- Either way, even if you didn't set it up you made it fun and I did have an amazing time,  it was a lot of fun
Ryland- I know I really enjoyed myself and I really would like to go out again
Kacie- Yeah me too
Ryland- Well good we can get our Mom's to set it up

We both started laughing as we had done all day. Then my phone rang. It was Riker. I answered it and put it on speaker.

(Riker:Ri, Me:Ry, Kacie:K)

Ry- Hi
Ri- Hi
Ry- What's up?
Ri- Mom just wanted to know how long you will be since it's 10
Ry- Tell her not long, I'll be back soon
Ri- Ok
K- Hey Riker!
Ri- Oh hi Kacie, how are you?
K- Good, you?
Ri- Yeah good, look I have to go but try and not to be late Ryland
Ry- I won't bye
K- Bye
Ry- Bye

Then he hung up and I put my phone away.

Ryland- Alright I guess I need to go
Kacie- Ok, well it was fun today and I hope we do it again because it was fun catching up with you
Ryland- Yeah you to and we'll definitely do it again
Kacie- Good

We stood up and stood looking at each other. Then we laughed awkwardly a bit and hugged before letting go.

Ryland- Would you like me to walk you home?
Kacie- Oh that's ok I'm actually getting a ride home in fact here it comes now

I opened my mouth in shock, a huge black stretched limo came driving down the street and stopped in front of us. I'd been in Limo's before when R5 went to Award Shows but not like this one. A man(the chaffeur) got out and opened the limo door for Kacie. She smiled.

Kacie- Bye Ryland
Ryland- Bye

Then she got into the Limo closing the door and drove away. I stood smiling for a few seconds before starting to walk home. It was only 15-20 minutes from the park so it didn't take me too long.

~15-20 minutes later~

I walked through the door and took my coat off before I walked over to the kitchen where everyone was. Mom looked at me as did everyone else.

Stormie- Your back! Did you enjoy the date? Was it ok? Did you have fun? What?
Mark- Goodness sake Stormie leave the boy alone he just stepped through the door
Stormie- Oh sorry I'm just curious and excited
Ryland- Well you should be excited because it was actually really good, it was good catching up with her and I had a lot of fun, we both did
Stormie- (smiles) What? So does that mean there's a second date in the future?
Ryland- Yeah, yeah, why not? 
Stormie- Yes! I'm gonna go call Susanne

Then she walked out of the kitchen with a big smile on her face. I smiled knowing that I had created that smile. That's all I had ever wanted, to make my Mom smile and I just did. Whenever she was happy, I was happy. I had a perfect day and now a perfect night knowing I made Mom Smile.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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