The High School Backbenchers - a lyrical memoir

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By Manisha Gupta

Literally speaking, the term ‘Backbencher’ has a political connotation. It is popularly used in countries like Britain, Australia and New Zealand for a member of the parliament who does not hold any office in government or opposition. His presence is just to criticize and challenge the ruling government.

Both have similar mannerisms and motives. Hence, this analogy.





Thou raving epitomes of energy and exuberance,

Thou foster-children of challenging times;

O backbenchers! none can express more sweetly,

Thy flowery tales, than my humble rhymes.

Fair youths, who hath not seen thee oft,

Drowsed by the lull of labouring lessons ?

Hiding behind the strawberry bush,

Seeking solace in frivolous passions.

Thy hair uplifted by gel and spray,

Flamboyant and suave thy radiant faces,

Dampened by splash of dewy fragrance,

Elated by dreams of jaunty places.

There are no spirits quite like thee,

So what if thy deeds eclipse thy glories?

Here’s a salute to thy resilience,

That evokes praise and fond memories!

“Youth is a beautiful dream, but its sweetness is enslaved by the dullness of books.” – Kahlil Gibran

It was a bright April morning in the year 1992 when I stepped into the teaching profession…I cautiously entered the red brick school building ……morning assembly was in progress ….I crossed the portico and stood hesitating near the reception desk , nervously clutching at my hand bag…..Sensing curious glances from the last row of seniors

standing across the corridor , I slowly crept behind the pillar …It was one hell of a moment as I stood there with my eyes closed , trying to relax myself and gearing up for the oncoming ordeal….




In retrospect I vaguely recall, some vivid visions of those forgotten years;

When I stepped into the teaching domain, hounded by strange, uncertain fears.

Unaccustomed to rebellion and defiance, I

had no clue which way to deal

With those boisterous high school brats, unconstrained and packed with zeal.

It took me only a week to sense, how spirited the air did seem here;

Considerable comfort, care and compassion, alacrity ruled supreme everywhere.

Many resplendent images, often flash across my mind;

When struck by nostalgic moments my memories begin to unwind….



It was the first period of the day,

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