Falling Asleep In Their Arms (Preference)

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Credits; equtionscenarios //tumblr

N: hakyeon would adore this. he would literally lie there for hours on end just watching you sleeping on him, he'd smile and would want to touch your face. he wouldn't care how dead his arm became, because as long as you're comfortable, he will get over it.

LEO: taekwoon i think has a really sweet, hopeless romantic side to him, so this would be right down his alley of cute things that you could ever do. he would wrap his other arm around you, just wanting to hold you ever closer to him, as close as possible. he'd do something really cute like play with your nose or hair until he fell asleep.

KEN: jaehwan feels the need to make everything and anything funny, but he surely wouldn't mind letting you sleep on his arm, until it fell asleep itself or if it was hurting him. he would act as though he was hurt so you'd wake up, and when you did, you'd wake up to a devilish smile upon his face, and he'd suggest other positions to fall asleep so it was comfortable for the two of you.

HONGBIN: hongbin wouldn't really mind, even if it was hurting him, he's too nice and much too awkward to wake you up from a comfortable sleep over something he would probably see as stupid. he'd simply try his hardest to fall asleep, and if that wasn't possible, then he'd probably softly try to wake you up, shaking you lightly, although if you're anything like me.. you won't wake up. so he'd give up and may even not get any sleep.

RAVI: it literally wouldn't matter what you did to this man, especially if he too was asleep, and let's face it, he probably more than likely would be. wonshik sleeps through anything and everything, seriously you could punch him in the private parts and he'd probably just roll over. if he was still awake however when you fell asleep, i feel like his reaction would be very similar to n. he'd smile at you a lot and probably give you a little kiss here and there, until he too fell asleep.

HYUK: sanghyuk would be sort of surprised at first when he would notice that you were in fact asleep, and that he now basically can't move unless he wants to wake you, so he'd be slightly disappointed at first and pray that he wouldn't need the bathroom or anything important like that. although, he's a massive sweet heart, so he'd act between n and leo i feel, just with being really cute and letting you sleep on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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