Town of Berk

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Third persons Pov.

The town of Berk is made of legends. But the town is filled with normal people with no powers just normal the evil hides it feeds to kills it does a lot. It can kill it goes down into souls and it rots.

The town is divided. West is Werewolves, South is Witches, North is Vampires. East is were the hotels and houses of normal people.

Town is founded in Indiana right by the woods and swamps and centuries and death and towns.

The rulers of each place of town......
Hiccup alpha of the wolves.
Jack Vampire king
Flynn Rider King of the witches.

And there people there all dangerous the vampires are highly dangerous. But each as danger that's why Indiana filled with blood suckers hunters and magic this town is crazy.

But there is one girl who will put the town to chaos for her love her name is...Elsa Winter's she a highbred Werewolf and Vampire also Witch she is part of each category.

Know the answer she going to be the Queen of the Vampire or the Werewolves or....the Witches?

Which Legendary Ruler is going to have the legendary Highbreds Heart and who will Elsa Winter's choose to rule with. How is the 1000 year old town going to survive this new Chaos

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