The Mission

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Alexis (Allen) POV
"Itadakimasu!" I said happily, looking at my many bowls of food. Just as I was about to dig in, Komui's voice crackled from the intercom.
"Hello? Can Allen, Kanda, Lavi, and my sweet, darling Lenalee come to my office?" Komui asked happily. I groaned mentally. Please don't tell me its a mission. It's hard enough keeping secrets on a daily basis! A mission will only make things harder to hide! Besides, I just got my food! Kanda che'd and took his soba with him. I glared back when he glared at me.
"Come on Allen, Lavi," I heard Lenalee say as she grabbed both of us.
"But I haven't eaten yet!" I complained, staring mournfully at the bowls on the table.
"You can fill your bottomless pit of a stomach after we see Komui, Moyashi," Lavi said, grinning as usual. I glared at him.
"Don't call me Moyashi!"
"Whatever you say Moyashi." Lenalee dropped us in a heap on the ground to open the door.
"Oww," we both moaned. Komui looked past Kanda at us.
"Oh! You made it! I was just about to brief Kanda on the mission!" I facepalmed. I knew it! A mission. Komui just loves making my life harder than it is already.
"What's the mission?" Lenalee asked. Komui turned unusually serious.
"I need the four of you to go to a school that is under high suspicion. It's somewhere in London, but we know a way there. You will go undercover as transfer students from Black Cross Academy. Of course, you'll have to go to Diagon Alley to get supplies to avoid being too out of place and..."
"What's the name of the school?" Lavi interrupted.
"Hogwarts." I paled.
"H... Hogwarts?! As in the school for wizards and witches?!" I practically shrieked. I got a lot of odd looks.
"Yes. Do you know anything about it?" Komui asked suspiciously.
"N... Not r... really. I j... just know someone who goes there. Yeah, that's right." I stuttered. Kanda's eyes narrowed. He unsheathed Mugen and advanced on me.
"You sure about that?" he growled. I blushed before nodding quickly.
"Ano, I need to go pack my bags. Bye!" I dashed out of the office before anyone could grab me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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