Found you.

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Li or Zuko had been gone for weeks or months; Jet had lost count. It'd been hard to keep up when every time he turned around one of the freedom fighters asked where Li was. Jet was sure he'd rummaged through the whole city of Ba Sing Se and Li was yet to be found. Jet ran a hand threw dark brown locks as he pondered on the whereabouts of a certain firebender. Firebender; Jet remembered the whole conversation about Li not actually being called Li and how Li or Zuko is a firebender. It hadn't gone too smoothly - now that he thought about it that was the last he spoke to Li. Li had been trembling slightly and Jet hadn't made that any better as he yelled curses out of pure anger and hate for Li's firebending nation. Jet hated ending on such a note; therefore, Jet took it upon himself to find Li. Without a second thought, the brunette was out the door with one person on his mind.

He once more combed through the city streets. He scanned through crowds for the boy with the unforgettable scar. The scar that drew him in at first sight and left him searching the next. Jet passed countless faces with countless features and blemishes - no scar. 'Damn it!' Jet mentally cursed, anger brewing and overwhelming any hurt or sadness that came with it. Where does a man like Li even go? As he thought anger bubbled a small voice out of nowhere answered, home. It took Jet awhile for him to figure out where home was for Zuko - The fire nation. Jet unconsciously picked up his speed, as worry replaced any anger or annoyance. What if he left Ba Sing Se? What if he's more than lost? Captured? Tortured? "Shit," he cursed under his breath as he pushed himself to go faster.


He was practically screaming out Li's name as he sprinted down the now empty streets. It was much later the sun was setting and Smellerbee or some of the others would surely come after him. He watched the dark clouds accumulate, it would rain soon meaning he was running out of time. Zuko, where the hell are you?!

As Jet scrambled, he saw the familiar sign that was Mushi's tea house. He ran up the short stairway leading to the building. Banging desperately on the door, he received no answer - Don't tell me Zuko actually left?! It was drizzling as Jet climbed through one of the open windows. He searched for the two missing familiar faces with great haste yet with great detail as well. He jumped from the window he entered onto a near rooftop - his hope fading. His strength, energy, and life drifting from him all because part of the foundation - no the whole foundation itself, Zuko, was gone. But Jet, for now, refused on giving up.


Soon enough Jet tired and gave up on chasing after the prince, at least for the day. Jet stood in the door way of the hideout. He skipped dinner, tired and broken from chasing after Li. He lay in one of the hammocks, swaying every so slightly, in an attempt to lull himself into sleep. Jet wished he could sleep; for, sleep was an escape from his conflicting feelings about Li. He recalled the last conversation with the firebender, Jet had been blinded by pure anger he couldn't see that it took Li so much strength to even tell him that he was Prince of the fire nation - the brunette beat himself up for wounding Li when he was in such a vulnerable state. Jet wanted to punch himself or better yet for Li to punch him - he had all the right to and if when he finds Li, he gets punched Jet won't even punch back.

Jet stared out at the rainy night he wanted to see the sun just as much as he wished to see Li. Li's smile was brighter than the sun. Jet lost himself in reverie of Li. The sun seemed shine brighter when Li was happy. Jet hummed slightly as the thought crossed his mind - and it seemed to rain whenever he was sad.
It rained the day he told me he was firebender.
He whispered the name quietly, why did he even call him Li anyway? Zuko is so much prettier, Jet mused a sorrow filled smile crossing his lips. "Zuko.."
The name leaving his mouth in whisper, pain immediately filled his chest as he rolled in his hammock to escape the intolerable feeling. It burned. It burned like a fire of his sorrows. He turned that flame into his own - mentally fueling himself with the new found heat. It burned so bright - like a certain firebender he wasn't ready to give up on. The brunette stood from his hammock with a new veiw of an old feeling. It was late night and everyone of the freedom fighters ought to be asleep. He hoisted himself up and out of the window without a second thought.

The clear reflective rain painted the streets as Jet ran down them with a clear aim. The rain quickly drenched the freedom fighter as he ran towards Mushi's tea house. He knocked on the door of the house already knowing no one would answer. He nearly fell off the slippery stairs but he quickly recovered and sped off to continue looking. The calming 'patter' of the rain was lost on the senses of Jet - lost to the extent that the rain could not be felt; the need of Zuko was overpowering the need for anything else. All of Jet's senses clued in on anything Zuko - any noise Zuko makes, where Zuko was, how Zuko felt or smelled, and -a personal favorite- how Zuko tastes. Not that Jet knew how Zuko tasted but it was familiar fantasy of his.

Jet was running full speed through so far empty streets, before tired eyes caught sight of Iroh or Mushi. Jet sprints to the old man great urgency in his pace. Iroh stops and turns to Jet without his casual warming smile; not only that, the man's clothes were litered with specs of dust and dirt. As Jet neared Iroh he also caught sight of the chain around his ankle. Jet slows from his sprint as he stops,

"Is Zuko with you?"

Iroh nods and turns to look behind his shoulder. Jet follows his gaze to see in the distance a familiar figure. He sighed in relief before returning his gaze to Iroh. The old man places his hand on Jet's shoulder as he walks by slowly. "He's been through alot." are the first and only words that leave the general's mouth as he walks toward his tea house the shackle around his ankle 'clinking' every now and then.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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