part 1

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Sorry guys if there is spelling mistakes. This is my first book and I will be writing it on my phone. Hope you guys enjoy it . I am open to any comments and help. Thanks a lot.

Chapter 1

I walked into my office at my new job. Being a snobby and stuck up man's p.a. is tiring. Sitting down at my desk I wonder how my day will start. I put my stuff away and go to the kitchen to make coffee. As soon as I step into the office I see HER... Sheila a plain old b*tch yes I do sound crazy at the moment but , it's true ask everyone.

Chapter 2

I gave my boss his coffee and sat at my desk. Then it hit me the most alluring smell, it smelt like vanilla and berries. Mate... my vampire says . I walk up to him and say mate and he says what? ?!?!

He looks at me and realises what I've said. He backs away and says "no". He walks out of the office and walks to his car. He climbs in and I'm trailing behind him.

"GET IN" he shouts, I say "why"? He answers were going home , I sigh and say "why you know I will be here when you need me".

But no. I grab my bag and walk out of the office and into the underground garage. A lambo a freakin lambo that's what my mate drive's. I get into the car and look at the amazing interior . He gets in the car and says nothing at first. He asks "where do you live Rose ?

I answer with in a house. He stares at me as if I had grown a second head. I just laugh. I walk into my house, and he begins to grab my stuff. WHAT ARE YOU DOING ??! I boom . The idot has the odasity to take my things.

Chapter 2

Within a hour we we're packed up and ready to go. Where are we going I asked ? He answered with an smirk "my house ". I said I don't want tooooo.

GET IN THE F*CKING CAR NOW!!!!! I sat on the grass and the next moment I was being pulled up. I fell face first in the ground. Ow you ass now help me up.!

We walked into the house and I gasped. This is your house wow!!

love at first bite...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang